Why the fuck do you have so many kids?
Why the fuck do you have so many kids?
Just read the comments, and have to add, don’t forget the mastermind behind his speeches. Goebbels. Hitler’s performance is for a native speaker of today a bit of too much anger, loud, and a rolling “r” nobody actually speaking in germany. It’s like a special Hitler-accent, if someone tries to speak like that, everyone know it’s about making a Hitler-Joke.
Ah, the goodies win. One of aristotle’s tragedies. Classic.
I could follow it a bit. CalDAV is mostly nerd stuff. And proprietary apps use to disallow CalDav to sell their own stuff. Best example: M$ Outlook doesn’t support CalDAV natively. You can only add them as only read, or use third party addons. And why? Because they want you to buy 365.
Look at it as the average Bob: wow you can sync all your contacts and Calenders and Tasks to every device? That must be expensive!
Wenn Zangendeutsch zu stark, dann bist du zu schwach.
Ach übrigens hab auch eine Idee. Vielleicht “inbound”?
Did you visit a school in the eastside of the world?
Handedness has some “connections” to the use of the brain sides. One side is better for doing math and I suppose its not the one mostly used by left-handed people.
The struggle for left-handed people like me is that you always meet tools made for right-handed people. So you have to use the right hand more like right-handed the left. This makes left-handed people more ambidextrous. Scissors are always in my right hand. As a kid I tried to learn writing with both hands at the same time, worst idea ever but it works a little bit.
Btw. Mental arithmetic is the endboss for left-handed. So don’t say left-handed are more successful.
We are working on the same shit, don’t worry.
Doom should be possible.
Damn, near all princess movies would be a disaster, beauty and the beast for example. Maybe “kiss the frog” could work in a gay variant.
I would recommend Matrix, tried all others, too. A bonus idea you could take a look at: https://github.com/balzack/databag
Ja stimmt, so gesehen richtig, aber es ist auch das Ende dieser Regierung und laut Umfragen wird es nicht besser.
Oral oder Rektal?
… ach der Monat März, hab mich verlesen.
Ich vermute im Hochpin-Kalender von Porsche 2025 wird er nicht mehr hochglanz Abgelichtet zu finden sein.
Nach Gesprächen mit der Opposition, trägt diese die Minderheitsregierung nur wenn Merz und Söder die Ministerposten von Lindner und Wissing erhalten. /j
Das geht nicht nur dir so, gelindner gesagt.
But isn’t appimage the closest one to the app-system from Android? Since things could be really different on many clients an “app-container” is the best solution.
Why not containerise everything? You need libreoffice? No problem, here is a docker or podman container.
BTW. I like flatpak, too. It’s the most stable, but I never understand it’s mechanics. There is always another pack installed, freecode, gtk, qt whatever. Even if the system has already the correct gtk version, nope, the dev decided to use the gtk image from Ubuntu.