• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • “I hope I don’t offend people, but [Premier David Eby] is a socialist. He believes very strongly in big government. … He’s also an authoritarian who does not respect democracy and local governance.”

    I see a lot Conservatives on social media call people Communist when describing Socialist leaning politics. it’s kinda funny if you know any CCP living people here they have a clear bias towards supporting Conservatives.

    “That is not the approach that we want to take… and so it’s not a fit for what we are thinking.”

    In regards to Rustad firing the current PHO. Do people think it’s a good thing to hire Provincial Health Officer based on how they fit their ideology.

  • At 3:40 in the video of OP he states there are names in the unredacted report but “some names is not also there”.

    I think people are reading to much into how alarmed Singh is of the report vs May. As noted in the article there will be a public inquiry with the final report well before an expected election and they’ve made amendments to include concerns found in this report.

    Justice Marie-Josée Hogue is currently leading the public inquiry into foreign interference and is expected to deliver a final report at the end of the year.

    Earlier this week, the Liberals supported a Bloc Quebecois motion for the foreign interference commissioner’s mandate to include the report’s allegations – though whether or not it will be included in Hogue’s probe is ultimately up to her.