Colorful Colorado Coyote

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Main reason games like Deathloop, Outer Wilds, Gunfire Reborn, Slay the Spire, Vampire Survivors, etc. got their hooks in me so deep - something I can sit down, fire up to play solo (it’s tough as hell to get friends together to squad in games when all your friends are also 35 and busy), knock out a 30min - 2hr play session, and put down without feeling like I’m in the middle of something.

    Love how many games there are these days who play like this. Seems like rogue-lites do it best, but it’s nice to see other genres making it work, too.

  • Agreed. The net effect of this kind of choice - what the person above you is saying - is exactly the intended effect. It lowers the value of Nvidia users’ cards to them, but, critically, only because Nvidia plays these bullshit exclusivity games.

    Nvidia users can’t get the most out of their cards on a big, popular new game and they’re all mad about it? Well, there’s an easy fix, Nvidia, to prevent these situations in the future: Just open DLSS up to everybody. Boom, done. AMD and Bethesda aren’t the ones being assholes, here, and it’s not their fault that Nvidia’s customers aren’t getting the most out of their cards.

  • spoiler

    I legitimately still use Winamp as my main music player when I’m playing local files. I’ve had the same skin on it for over 20 years. I’ll be crushed if Windows ever breaks compatibility and I can’t install it anymore.

    Also I still have mIRC and on the rare instance I get on IRC, that’s what I’m launching, but it is very infrequent these days. :P

  • I call BS. I think this is something that people like to think that they believe, but they really don’t.

    The first time they found themselves standing in the kitchen and thinking, “How long am I supposed to cook chicken?” and realizing the only way to find out is to clean up, get dressed, drive down to the bookstore and find a cooking-for-beginners book (or, if they’re lucky and know somebody who would know the answer, they could try to call them, but it would only work if that person was home and able to hear their landline and felt like gambling on answering an unknown call - unless they maybe had caller ID), they’ll be right back on board with the digital age.

    Like, go watch early-seasons episodes of The X-Files and realize how many of the plot lines only work because the show started in a time that was pre-mobile phones, and then realize that kind of hilariously stupid and inconvenient situation was just, like, everyday life for everybody not so very long ago. Plan to meet a friend for lunch but they don’t show up? You can decide to wait and risk eating alone, or go home, because there’s literally no way to find out if they’re just running a little late or if they’re completely unable to come or what.

    Sure, social media is a bit of a hellscape, but there is so much convenience that people take for granted that comes from cell phones and internet. I just do not believe more than a single-digit percentage of people would seriously enjoy going back for more than a few days, tops. No more than a camping trip.