Not a chance in hell would i go to vegas for this race. Things are way to exspensive. Everything jacks up there prices for 4 days…
Programmer, gamer and golf lover
Not a chance in hell would i go to vegas for this race. Things are way to exspensive. Everything jacks up there prices for 4 days…
This sounds like fun! Not a huge gambler but doing something like this is nice
All good. Made me fall asleep easier last night as i didn’t doom scroll. Haha
Changing a lot of code from a single delete to multiple deletes for drugs in a database now.
Then working on creating a full usermanual for the website from scratch…fml
I cant see this happening. Cutting power exports would sure hurt the us citizens but it would also hit canadians just as bad. Not getting paid for power would be a huge hit for us. I could see some tarrifs being placed on power but not fully cut. Plus ford is a goof and i dont trust a word he says…
I personally enjoy these but not sure if its what your looking for
The outdoor boys - goes solo camping and sometimes brings his kids along, family trips abroad, and also creating a homestead.
Westinchamplin - modifies cars and trucks for red neck science.
Paolo from tokyo - interesting takes on the life of japan series was the best. Shows all different types of jobs from japan
I was an electrician for 15 years in the canadian military and for the last 3 years an instructor. I got really tired of using my whole body all the time and working outside all year round. I also got really tired of the military lifestyle and how bad the leadership got.
Quit my old job 2 years ago and took up programming. Now im about to graduate from college(canada) with a 4.0gpa and hopefully have a job with i right away.
That sounds like a horrible situation. Rogers and a strata
I will never go back to rogers, no matter what thr deals are. 17 years ago i was with rogers and i would check my bill every month or so and there would be these random little price increases. I would call rogers and they would always be like “very sorry sir but sometimes the computers miss calculate some charges”. I left rogers so fast and never looked back.
You are something else. Probably just a troll account because i just cant think someone would be able to say this.
But C# and java are very similar. I actually dont mind java but i also dont like python all that much.
How about trump can suck my left nut. There, I said it.
I just can’t understand how some people can stand behind this and defend it. If a major news station is either being forced or did this themselves, than I just don’t know what to think of this.
That is a full on yikes take…money has nothing to do with looks
Mid 30s here. When i was younger i never wanted kids. I would always tell my parents i never wanted any as well. Fast forward about 15-20 years, people would tell me im great with kids and i should have some. The problem with this is that i am great with kids for about 2-3 hours and then im like…get this thing away from me. People have also told me that its different when they are your own.
Well one day i booked an appointment to get a vasectomy and havent looked back yet. I also got married to someone who shares the same feelings as me towards having no kids. Life is great and havent thought of any regrets.
Found a couple infinite loops that were causing systems to crash. Slowly coming along. Going to take a bunch of time to allow it to become operational again
Went cold turkey for smoking about 15 years ago. I still get a crazy urge to smoke if i walk past a smoking pad or a designated smoking area. It only lasts for about 10 seconds but its not enough for me to take it back up.
I am currently doing this right now, pharma code team gave me a whole program and now i need to find out how everything works…
Path of exile 2
Damn. I made a last minute change, didnt think the rookies would all crash out. Still got me to the top 10 though.