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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I don’t donate money because over half of my paycheck is already deducted from my pay. Germany does already a lot of welfare in my name and I’m proud of this and okay with this.

    Also I’m aware of issues donations can cause, like material ones for instance, that can disrupt the economy of a poor country and prevent them from growing their own, so I don’t do that either.

    I also believe it’s not good to keep another country depending on donations, because in the long run it will create more suffering when the donations can’t keep up. It’s a bit difficult to explain as a lot of processes interconnect here and it sounds heartless without explaining it in detail. Let’s say there are a lot of exceptions to the last part, as for instance a country currently at war should get as much donations a possible. However I personally also draw the line on countries who are at war constantly, as they seam to lack interest in stopping blood for blood conflicts and I’d rather not get involved into this, as it’s hard to tell who’s the good guys.

    I thought about donating to local pet shelters and I might do that in the future, because they have a lot of pets suffering and not receive enough money to properly care for them. On the other hand I eat meat and where’s the differences between a dog or a cow? It almost feels hypocrite to eat one and trying to save the other. So probably reducing meat consumption is the best I could do. Much better than donations.

    I accepted that I’m a human with needs and wants and therefore also egoism, else I’d donate all my money, as there’s always someone who’s life is worse than mine. But I don’t do that.

  • I’m from Germany, so I don’t know how it’s in other other countries, but here forget charging at home for a lot of people, because they don’t own a house and have no dedicated parking spot. Half the people here are renting only. That’s a lot of people. So I don’t see it as major perk, as I’m in that category and will only be able to charge at work (currently no infrastructure), charge at the supermarket (limited spots and slow charging) or visit a charging station (too expensive with their stupid high prices).

    So that’s why, unless we get big changes, I’ll not get an EV any time soon or mid term. Everyone I talked to says the same, aside of those with home charging but that’s the minority.

    Oh and btw, no one will pay more for an EV than for a combustion car.

  • It’s too early. In 10 years Nintendo will, it’s the Nintendo rhythm.

    You don’t have to shove AI into everything but it allows for a lot of amazing and crazy things. Gameplay first and I don’t think we need AI for this, but a lot of side elements can be handled by AI. Be it sounds, dialogues, voices, randomness in monster or level design etc. In general, AI could be good with filling games with content without it being generic. It will help to elevate content past obviously identifiable “random” content. Same way an AI image doesn’t look AI if it’s well made. However, we’ll get a lot of shovelware stuff of lazy companies, no one needs those.