• 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The easiest and most effective solution would be to just get Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter/X to crack down harder on misinformation.

    Optimally, there should even be a sort of “social reputation ranking” system in place to disincentivize online misinformation and hate speech by tying it to real-life ramifications. We sort of already have something like that for job applications, and I’m proud of that, but if we could extend the enforcement and implementation of this kind of thing to, say, transportation, real estate, or banking, that would certainly be a commendable step in the right direction. Ranted about the mask and vaccine mandates in 2020? Good luck buying that car.

    Too bad an increasing and worrisome number of these platforms are being owned by right-wing shrinks. Heil Spez and Heil Musk.

  • I also think it’s foolhardy to naively assume that once the older generations start dying off due to old age, things are just automatically going to become better and more progressive without us having to lift a finger. Wrong! I’ve observed conservative brain rot already starting to infect my peers. And while I’m fortunate and privileged enough to live in a progressive blue state that (relatively speaking) cares about the Earth, unfortunately, very few communities around the globe have such luxury.

    I think better trust in government is what we need. But the way things stand, we are so not ready for this. And if democracy doesn’t work in getting people to accept and comply with climate regulations that are bound to follow - and at this point that’s much more of a “when” than an “if” - leaders maybe shouldn’t be afraid to use force.

    Hopefully at that point, we can keep a lid on things better than we did during COVID. But who am I kidding.

  • “It’s pretty much over?” Hey, I don’t mean to sound like I’m putting you down, but this kind of defeatist rhetoric isn’t exactly helpful. After all, it reflects the kind of attitudes that allowed oppressive systems to persist for centuries. I’m as anti-fascist as you, but I’m worried that adopting a tribalist mentality will only nurture fascism and shield the privileged from accountability. Giving in to cynicism and analysis paralysis will do little to resolve the ever-worsening environmental catastrophe, and cedes the moral high ground to those prizing individual gain over the greater good.

    Instead of wasting energy on Schadenfreude, I believe it’s more productive for us to come together as a species, set aside our differences, and reorganize our social and economic structures for the common benefit. Although it might sound demanding, anyone can help, and we can go a long way just by working together. Small daily choices will aggregate into powerful movements, but only if enough of us opt for sustainability over excess, demand accountability from corporations and governments, and upend the industrial capitalist machine that created this crisis.

    The progress may seem glacial, intermittent, or stagnant. But this should not be rationale to give up! Besides, let’s celebrate the positives, and look towards how far we’ve come - more people than ever, especially those most directly impacted by climate change, such as Gen Alpha and/or the Global South - are recognizing the danger we’re headed for, and momentum for a just transition is building. Bottom line: the battle isn’t hopeless, but if we make it hopeless, it will. Stay strong, warrior.