I feel like this is such a privileged mindset.
I feel like this is such a privileged mindset.
Hopefully so, but that doesn’t mean the Liberals and the leftist parties can sit on their laurels. If they win this they got to earn it afterwards. If they pull the same shit they’ve been pulling the conserves are going to be even stronger next time around. I have no faith in the Liberal Party actually doing that so…
It’s not like they’re chopping the bit to take it from him. They seem perfectly happy to let him do everything he wants.
I was at the grocery store yesterday $6 a dozen was the lowest price one they had
This is why I almost never get any Digital Book. The only digital books I have are books that were free either originally or through a giveaway, or that were severely discounted and I already owned physically. That’s also why I don’t buy movies or TV series digitally. You’re just renting these things, and you’re only renting them when you have an internet connection.