• 63 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Literally every other post on this page certainly helped me out. OP may be gone (no hard feelings for taking over this one after I deleted my own account, we clearly had too many OpenTTD communities in the fediverse) but it’s the reason I know I’ll be taking blocking of my own free will more seriously. If OP was too impatient, that’s one thing, but humanity as a whole has become so insufferable to anyone who is not on the “x-treme” fringes of politics (both right AND left) that your comment deserves every last one of the 15 downvotes (as of this writing) it got for you acting like if there was no blocklist that people don’t have feelings.

    I will be banning you from the community I do still run and if feddit.de’s OpenTTD community asks, I’ll recommend they ban you too, as you clearly feel no empathy nor care about the topic (the game OpenTTD, not the user OpenTTD who apparently named himself after the game and claimed this community sometime after I deleted my account on lemmy.zip) and you seem to have nothing to contribute on either front.

  • I literally am furious at humanity in general. I took and take a series of bad luck in my life personally and want everyone else to suffer.

    I have literally decided that if there is any sort of revolution in my lifetime, I don’t care what the result is, only that I now have an opportunity to do to humanity what humanity did to me, and I will burn the resultant society to the ground because I hate you all and it’s personal.

    Either prove someone like me wrong, by proving humanity is generally good and I’m the bad guy, or lose everything when I destroy everything you worked towards. I am past caring about what you want, I only care about taking everything that everyone else truly values from them. If you are right about “people are not a good thing overall” then my murderous rage is justified.

  • I would rather be deluded to have escapism, I have always felt like reality is a prison to me and absolutely nothing has ever ruined my life quite like the abundance of anti-escapism in 2017. That, and I am a disabled person whose ability to socialize is further limited by a lack of nearby outlets for any sort of friendship. Screw reality, all I want is a future where my body doesn’t need bread, only circuses, but I’ll never have that so fuck all of you for telling me that wanting immortality is selfish even though I would make every effort to use such an advantage towards providing everyone with the same benefits and telling me I have to suffer in reality via Once Upon A Time, Twelve Forever, Gravity Falls, Inception, Undertale (or at least it’s fandom), His Dark Materials, Ready Player One, the list goes on.

    I am serious, anti-escapism was a godforsaken trend for years and combined with a quack psychiatrist whose medication drove me to insanity via 24/7 depression, it ruined my life (believe me, he was bad; I have a doctor’s note from my current pschatrist that the medication the previous doctor prescribed was not recommended for someone with ASD and that his professional opinion was that he considered my previous psychiatrist’s behavior to be medical malpractice, because the one I had been stuck with for years was unwilling to accept fault and provide one, and I had to move a long day’s drive away just to get adequate mental health coverage from the Canadian medical system in another province).

    I don’t give a shit anymore. Let me escape. You can’t tell me not to without going full 1984. You want the world to be better? I’m not stopping you but the moment you throw my “circus” of fiction that is unashamedly escapist out the window, I hate you all and I will have revenge. Whatever world you build next, dystopian or utopian? I will burn it to the fucking ground, and say "No. You took everything I cared about from me when I was so close to success, and my life is meaningless to me to the point I don’t care whether I live or die even though I am psychiatrically stable. All I care about now is that I will take everything everyone else cares about from all of you. You will not get to say you told anyone so about a dystopia, you will not get to build a utopia, you will fucking starve to death. You can’t just fix insanity with meds, it does permanent psychological damage, and so I will drive you all to insanity or death the moment you are this close to your ultimate goal. Enjoy knowing you created the Antichrist, all you fucking worthless over privileged, politically polarized, incompetent, shallowly opinionated, self-worshipping arrogant excuses for fuckwads. I will RUIN EVERYTHING FOR EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU.

  • What do you expect to happen when you vote an accountant instead of a planner into (potential) power instead of encouraging her to remain treasurer, and then believe a conman when he says the accountant steals from you but act like the conman hasn’t stolen people’s livelihoods on The Apprentice?

    I’m going to be honest, you’ve all made it abundantly clear in the US that you don’t care about this article’s complaint. You know why you never see kids in wheelchairs in 1950s media? “Severely mentally ill” included spinal injury and paralysis. You’ve never done anything to help people like me because your fucking tax dollars are more important to you. Burn in hell, or at least read Changeling: The Lost (1e) and then assume that what it suggests is… though only in a realistic, mundane way… absolutely true. No, there’s no hedge or kidnappings by the fae, but everything you read about in that fucking roleplay rulebook is directly based on reality.

    If you don’t have a mental illness or care about someone who does, you are the Gentry that serve as the undefeatable and obscenely cruel demon-gods of that setting, because the real truth is that it doesn’t take eldritch horrorterrors to drive someone insane. Unfairness causes insanity.

    So fuck all of you. You destroyed lives for your own selfish desires. There will be no negotiations on this, you don’t get to blame the victim. Pay your fucking taxes, or personally help the mentally ill, or kindly admit how much of a monster you are and that you want people like me dead.

    And they all died and everything was horrible forever. The end. Go away.