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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • I’ll give it a shot. The location of the property owned by the 1% is irrelevant. Left/right politics are a construct to keep the masses angry at each other, and keep the focus off of the super-rich and corrupt politicians, who are the real problem.

    It doesn’t matter which civilians have guns, because violence isn’t going to fix this.

    Voting can fix this, both voting with your dollars (never order from Amazon, for example) and with your vote. For example, if we keep the republicans out of federal government, they cannot continue to fuck over 99% of the population for personal gain. Then perhaps at some point down the line, the republican party will either reform to actually represent fiscal conservativism, or die out and be relaced by something that actually represents it’s voters instead of gaslighting them.

    Just to be absolutely clear, I am not catagorically against the republican party. The corruption is evident on both sides. But the republican party has been making horrendous policies since regan was in office, the party cannot be trusted with running this country right now.

    Major reforms are needed, and the only party that will enact them (flawed as they may be) are the democrats. But to do that they need control of all three branches of the federal government at once to do so.

  • I assume you are playing 2e.

    I definitely get that. Pathfinder (like D&D and other rules-heavy TTRPGs) has a learning curve, and things can get confusing for newer players.

    Imho any game is either rules-heavy, and as such closer to reality with more defined rules for various situations, or it is rules-light, where GM-Interpretation is other needed to determine what to role. (Or somewhere in between)

    Any rules-heavy game is going to take time to learn, and sometimes it will be unclear what is correct. But I find that the PF2e rules are actually very clear, you just have to pay close attention to the wording.

    For example, if you get an attack of opportunity(AoO), can you grapple instead of attacking? Can you trip?

    The answer is in the descriptions of those actions. An attack of opportunity allows for a strike action. A grapple is a standard action. A trip is a strike action. So a trip is allowed, a grapple isn’t.

    The entire game is built like this. Can a barbarian use this action while raging? Well, does it have the rage trait? If not, then no. Spells no longer have levels, they have ranks, so that no one confuses them with character level. It’s all in the wording.

    But again, I’m approaching this as a TTRPG veteran who has GMed systems like shadowrun and world of darkness, that are basically the poster-children for needlessly complicated and/or conflicting rules. I totally understand that any rules-heavy game can be confusing.