You could have just crosspost from
Ohh I thought that Lemmy automatically resize and converts my picture to a compressed .webp file. Thank you!
Had the same problem yesterday. You clicked on “Upload picture”, selected one, and nothing happened?
And here comes the fun part: It can’t turn into Reddit 2.0. If you don’t like the policy of your Instance, just join an Instance that fits you more, or create one your own.
I discovered Brutus a few weeks ago. Stefanie Mannaerts is the vocalist and plays the drums simultaneously. The power in her voice while smashing the hell out of her drums… incredible. I was blown away when I saw a Video of her performance and realized it. What Have We Done is probably my favorite.
2:45PM, Oct 16, 2019. So this post would be 1959 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes and 18 seconds old. (Feb 26 2025 03:44 UTC+1)
Oh wow. Why didn’t I come up with it myself? Thank you!
Im using Firefox on my Phone. But 5 seconds to load a page takes to long…
Yes, I’m using Firefox but it usually takes about 5 seconds to load a page. Beside from the long loading times, the UI is too clunky for me. I would prefer a more cleaner version of it.
Thank you very much!
Sure. For the light setup I used 2x SANLight 4-120. These are absolute monsters! I tracked my power consumption the whole time and it was about 700kW for 90 days of growth. For air circulation I used a S&P TD-Silent with his full power of 1000m³/h and some small fans in each corner.
I used BioBizz Light Mix as the medium and fertilized them with CannaTerra Vega, Flores, Rhizotonic, Boost and Canna PK. And some of BioBizzs CalMag.
I had a goal of how much yield I wanted to achieve, especially because the previous run went quite well. But I unexpectedly managed to exceed my target by 20%. The fun part: After this run, my consumption has decreased so much that I don’t know what to do with the surplus. I’d love to grow again, just because it was so much fun, but I honestly don’t know what to do with all the stuff…
Same with my younger brother. He once told me that he has diarrhea least one time a day. He tought that this is a completely normal thing and is not willing to change anything. He would rather shit his pants than give up milk.
Thanks for recommending summit! So much better than Raccoon.
I didn’t knew you could use “:o” as a prompt to describe the facial expression. :D
Wow this looks awesome! Any chance you could make a high res version of it to use it as a wallpaper?
Ich halte mich da komplett raus (Habe trotzdem gewählt). Gerade weil ich vorhin erfahren habe, dass meine Schwiegermutter unerwartet die AfD gewählt hat. Ich könnte kotzen. Hab jetzt schon kein Bock auf die nächsten treffen (Vorrausgesetzt es wird noch welche geben.)
Not really. I’m currently combining my consumtion of porn with my social media detox. :D
This is the answer. Thank you!
No problem. Welcome! :)