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Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Currently there are an awful lot of bills currently in process in federal or state legislation in the US that aim to restrict healthcare, education, legal recognition, access to gender-separated public spaces and so on. Furthermore, hate crimes against trans folk, and suicides by transgender persons are at elevated levels and have been since 2016.

    It may be specific to the US, the UK, Australia and a handful of other countries, but right now a lot of bad shit is going on. Yes.

    Do I know when it was last this bad? No.

  • The nice way to beat fascism is to make it less appealing. When families live in precarity or in poverty, they start looking to blame someone. Sometimes it’s obvious, like billionaires forcing workers to pee in bottles.

    In response, the affluent elite utilize their resources to create a propaganda campaign to blame scarcity on already-marginalized groups (in the US and UK, the rising genocide of transfolk is an example). Hangry communities feeling insecure + Tucker Carlson spewing hatred every night leads to fascist action.

    Note that it works because its instinctive. We don’t like living in societies with more than a hundred people, even when it means we get infrastructure like running potable water or internet or electricity or food at our grocery stores so we don’t have to farm and hunt, ourselves. We actually have to train ourselves to live and let live, and not start a centuries-long family feud every time someone cuts us off on the freeway.

    Social safety nets and better standards of living can pull people out of poverty and precarity, so they don’t feel they have to begrudge everyone outside their front door.

    Otherwise, we’re going to keep trying to organize labor, and in response, the companies are going to try to distract with hate campaigns. Remember Trump commandeered the GOP in 2015 and 2016 because he gave permission to hate while the other candidates wanted to just continue to quietly oppress with code-worded fears. Even if we quash Trump, they’ll find new Mussolini-wanabes to back and worship, and eventually they’ll start a civil war.

    If we don’t want the civil war, we need to make shit less bad for the 80% living paycheck-to-paycheck (or worse) and we need to reform elections so that their outcomes are better informed by the interests of the public (not the elite). Or at least that’s what CIA analysts (retired) interviewed on PBS think.

    Once civil war breaks out, though, or they’re harassing marginalized people and committing hate crimes, yeah, feel free to [REDACTED] off the face of the earth. And anytime a law is passed or a rule is adjudicated that retracts a civil right, remember that is violence.

  • Okay, here’s the thing about death. Everything about death is expressed in the negative.

    There’s no boredom
    There’s no excitement
    There’s no joy
    There’s no pain
    There’s no frustration
    There’s no elation
    There’s no disappointment
    There’s no surprise
    There’s no bewilderment
    There’s no love
    There’s no conflict
    There’s no violence
    There’s no resolution
    There’s no reconciliation
    There’s no forgiveness
    There’s no vengeance\

    There’s no you. Your story ends.

    As it is right now the world sucks. There’s a lot of misery and a lot of people are choosing to check out (Around 40K per year in the US succeed. We guess about 120K more try and end up in the ER.)

    If you cash in, everyone you know is going to be shaken. They’ll all have to deal with the sneaking suspicion they are personally at fault for you choosing to quit. A suicide note won’t help. It’s not a rational belief. Even little kids will wonder if they did something (or failed to do something) to change your fate.

    Anyone who depends on you, even if just for emotional support will go into crisis. Unless you’re a hermit in the Yukon, this is more people than you think.

    Family may try to deny it. They will make up stories about how you were coerced or secretly murdered or drugged to diminished capacity. If they cannot deny it, they’ll be ashamed and try to cover up your suicide, suggesting maybe you perished by accident.

    Police will resent the job of telling professionals who engage you (doctors, therapists, teachers, etc.)

    Alt-righters will revel in your expiration.

    Elected officials will feign concern. The ones attached to your district will wish you moved first. White Christian Nationalist officials and Freedom Caucas officials will presume you’re one of the degenerates who are on their target list, and your action affirms you knew they were right.

    Most Christians will assert you are damned to Hell.

    Mostly it’s a shit show, and a bunch of statistical counters will increment by one.

    Consider crisis counseling, maybe. If you’re in a developed country, your county probably has a hotline or chat.

  • As the Golden Age of Islam came to a close in the 14th century,astronomers and algebraists were persecuted as sorcerers the way herbalists and brewmistresses were sometimes persecuted in the west as witches.

    The scribbles and charts of mathematicians and star watchers did their part to inform the magics and mysticism of the later years.

    Math is sometimes sorcery, and yes, brewing booze is sometimes witchcraft.