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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’m not reading the article but why does the title still need to phrase it like the devs are the ones who need more time, suggesting they haven’t finished making the game a month and a half ahead of release? We already know that investors got spooked by Star Wars exploding because of its sales model with special editions driving up the prices for some bullshit, and we know AC was supposed to do the same but now won’t. They literally just said “actually we’re going back to simultaneous Steam release and we’re dropping the special editions and we’re rethinking the season’s pass from scratch and so-and-so will now be free instead of paid DLC” like a couple weeks ago. I can see that they did that following devs advice, but it wasn’t that the devs needed time, ever since the advent of DLC there have been multiple games from big companies where we’ve heard that the dev team fought against garbage DLC and sales practice but were told to fuck off and do what they were told and then the game exploded. The sales department is the one that needs more time to rethink the worth of cutting this down and selling the pieces, and then have the devs adjust all that.

  • That was a little ambiguous, because he said that after London was the major city that voted against Brexit, he was saying it was more foreign (European) than English. Schroedinger’s asshole type of comment.

    Also he said that because he was pro Brexit (which is already not good), so it might not have been about skin color at all, just international European culture.

    He did get caught in the Rowling shitshow, early on when he started saying “I just hope (trans people) are treated kindly” but slowly admitted that he only had surface knowledge and let it slip that he thought the whole trans thing was an act or a choice. I don’t think he was malicious or aggressive about it, but he was called out on propagating transphobic messages.

    And he spoke up against cancel culture.

    It’s possible that he doesn’t understand that even if he doesn’t mean bad things, he’s letting bad propaganda slip out and repeating a language that hurts easily targeted people without understanding the scope. But he doesn’t seem very willing to learn quickly about it.

    I haven’t heard anything recent if he changed his mind or double down about any of this.

  • Does the article say the headline is wrong? Or does it say conspiracy theorists listen to facts because it relies on a handful of willing participants who changed their mind when seeing facts and reports? Because that’s not the crux of the crazy conspiracy theorists.

    Try again when the chatbot talked to the likes of Graham Hancock or the hardcore MAGA death cult. Facts don’t matter.

    Rand pointed out that many conspiracy theorists actually want to talk about their beliefs. “The problem is that other people don’t want to talk to them about it,”

    Just look at this guy who straight up pretends that no one tried to talk to them before.

    It does talk about gish gallop at the very end, and claims that the chatbot can keep presenting arguments - but doesn’t actually say that it has worked.

  • Oh Luke was definitely asking her about their birth mother, knowing that it was the same woman. The question here is that Leia didn’t know what he was talking about. Since she gives him an answer about someone who died when Leia was young, maybe she’s just thinking that Bail remarried later.

    Before the prequel trilogy came out, it could have been their birth mother she was talking about, and she just didn’t know that Luke was her brother; but after ep 3 came out, and we see Padme die, we have to assume Leia was adopted by the Organas, but Bail’s wife died when Leia was young and he later remarried, and Leia is thinking about that woman after Padme and before Bail’s new wife, thinking that she is her real mom.

    And yeah, it’s completely possible that Lucas originally intended for Padme to be the one Leia was talking about, but the point is, the movies don’t actually specify if she meant Padme or the middle wife, so it can still be explained.

  • That detail wasn’t in any of the movies so the line in ep 6 still makes sense the way you thought. I’m pretty sure anyone would assume that’s what she meant, since we never hear that she knew she was adopted. Whoever made Bail’s wife die in the explosion of Alderaan is the one who messed up, or Lucas ignored that addition when making episode I.

  • “La stabilité” voulue par le président, c’est “la capacité pour un gouvernement à ne pas tomber à la première motion de censure déposée”, insiste-t-on à l’Élysée.

    La stabilité pour ne pas tomber à la première motion de censure quand le parti présidentiel a pas de majorité absolue ? Elle est assurée quand le président nomme un premier ministre hors de son parti et dit à son parti de ne pas voter contre son choix. Rien de plus évident.

    Par exemple si il choisi à l’extrême droite et dit à son parti de se taire, aucune motion de censure ne passera, parce que son camp + le RN font plus de 50%. C’est super simple et c’est comme ça que c’est censé marcher quand il y a pas de majorité. Aucune justification à prétendre que c’est pas stable.

    Le calcul est identique s’il choisi à gauche, car il a toujours la majorité. Sauf que ça n’arrivera pas, il sait qu’il peut dire à son parti de ne pas voter contre et que ça suffira, mais il le fera pas. Il préfère prétendre que la gauche est instable.

    S’il choisi dans son camp parmi les ex PS en prétendant que le PS acceptera, il s’en fout parce que le RN ne soutiendra pas de motion de censure donc ça passera même sans la gauche. Donc on sait déjà ce qu’il entend par stabilité même s’il peut la créer comme il veut sa stabilité.

    Le seul risque qu’il court c’est de convaincre le RN de ne rien faire. Si le RN dit non, il sera forcé de prendre à gauche (et encore, en supposant qu’il ne vire pas RN), mais le RN ne dira pas non.