Kids today can see tits in 4k whenever. Does that makes them better or worse?
… I had an undergrad get upset with me once … I looked at the plates and said they look retarded, as in their growth was retarded because she used minimum media instead of rich media by accident.
That’s retarded.
Makes you wonder if you’re blobby because you’re in the wrong environment.
A horde mode is nice, but making the existing maps more diverse is what the game needs for me to come back. Making all the maps from tilesets was a move in the right direction, but not going full procedural means we have generic looking maps that are also the same every time. The worst of both worlds.
Not really. The new snow white actress is hilariously insufferable and I’m sure the movie is trash because everything Disney has done since endgame has been.
You should mention lemmy. Get banned real quick.
You’re hive mind enough to not get banned. That simple.
It’s reddit with better/real people. Most people probably can feel reddit going to shit. Quality of comments is way down.
Dicks out for Lemmy!
He did it twice. With gusto. You’re clearly struggling to reconcile that your idol is a Nazi and you’ve been wrong to worship him, or you’re also a Nazi.
I hope it has crossplay.
Linux isn’t ready. Not for home users anyway. And I’ve tried recently. Just constant problems that if I wasn’t getting paid I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with.
Tried it on gamepass. Pretty fun, but it also feels like D4 world events except instead of people steam rolling the boss they all drag you down. Needs some time to flesh out mechanics and content I think.
Absolutely. Reddit has been shit for a long time, I’m glad they banned me, it was a nice push to stop using that garbage website.
Best game ever is… difficult if not impossible to qualify. I’m gonna go with Shadow of War near the top though. Nobody else will, but I really appreciate that game’s ability to keep generating new experiences for you. Perfected the arkham combat, beautiful ragdolls, endless endgame to keep experiencing new orcs.