• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m normally critical of Biden but this is one of the few times I’ll say it. Biden staying in the race is the best thing he can do.

    It doesn’t matter when he drops out at this point, the time to do that was 8 months ago. If he drops out now and there’s an open convention, democrats lose in November. If he drops out after the convention, and the DNC chooses a different candidate to replace him, Democrats lose in November.

    The last time anything similar happened, there were riots outside the DNC in Chicago and Hubert Humphrey safely handed the office to Richard Nixon.

    Fun fact, Hilary Clinton attended the protests.

  • If it were actually AI I might have some faith.

    This isn’t a neural net processor, not a learning computer. It’s a fucking mechanical Turk. A bad one.

    What he’s talking about isn’t capable of deriving new ideas. It’s just going to spit out shit it’s seen already.

    The library of Babel is just as likely to give us the answers he’s talking about. More likely maybe because it’s at least already written down.

  • Machinist guy here!

    Threads fail. Threads are generally the most likely thing to fail in any given mechanism. Generally, when the threads are expected to do more work than just sit there and not move, as in fastening a hinge for example, we try to make sure the threads are all the same kind of material.

    I would never expect plastic threads to hold up to repeated use with an iron bolt inside. Something is going to give up, and it’s going to be the soft plastic threads, every single time.

    Think about cheap as fuck IKEA furniture, any time they have a bolt to screw in, you install an insert first. We do the same thing in plastic, aluminum, shit even steel sometimes if we want the bolt to fail first.

  • Almost all of the Christian folklore surrounding Jesus can be directly tied to other myths that were common knowledge to Mediterranean people at the time.

    There was a dude called Jesus, there were a lot of them. That one was Jewish and belonged to an evangelical cult was likely. But we can’t really say that because the Bible exists so too must have the Jesus described within.

    What we have today was written by people hundreds of years after the fact. There was nothing written during these events, nothing at least that survived.

    If you go looking for proof of Jesus, you’ll either come out disappointed, or delusional. Think of guys like Ken Ham.

    Keep the faith, by all means. But part of believing is accepting that you don’t get to have proof.

  • You know, I almost forgot about the shitty attitudes and tribalism incumbent in the idiots that make dance fighting a big part of their personality. These guys, you included probably, love to preach about their enlightened state because they are just so devoted to dance fighting, and then do shit like you’re doing here. Do you really think trying to insult some random guy online because he dared to criticize the industry you’re a part of is really becoming of the type of person you advertise yourself to be?

    Also. Just so you know, the scenario you fantasize about where you get to save the day with your dance fighting isn’t going to happen. At least not organically.