• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think uncanny valley isn’t quite the feeling I’m describing. Maybe I’m being pedantic but it’s different than that. Image generation can create some realistic people who completely avoid uncanny valley. It’s just AI generated people have like “thumbprints” of AI. Like a certain sheen, similar creases, and a ‘generic’-ness.

    Maybe it’s something that comes from looking at them a bunch. I spent a lot of time messing with stable diffusion making stupid shit. And it’s like I guess the same feeling when you watch movies with a cinematographer/director you’re familiar with. Like even it’s a movie you haven’t seen before, the color pallet, composition, and framing is like “oh this was made by x.”

    I’ve been impressed by how detailed and realistic some pictures are but like the lighting is a huge giveaway.

  • Yeah, I was lucky to get the crazy ass unemployment during covid like week one. And I was applying to jobs but not hearing shit back. I had essentially four months of making more money than I had at that point. ($900 a week is pretty goddamn good) and wanted a job super bad lol. Like I was definitely picky but a good fulfilling job can’t be beat. You can only do hobbies so long before you’re doing them to fill time and they loose luster.

    Ended up learning programming in that time and started that as a career and am doing incredibly well. So I do love my job and know I’d rather do that than nothing

  • This happens so many times. I’m a pretty firm believer in walking away for 15 minutes is a crucial part of the debugging process. It’s just hard sometimes to know when to stop and stop trying shit for a bit.

    Also rubber duck debugging, I’ll talk to my dog but fuck it works so many times. Shes helpful.

  • Idk this is ambiguous stuff is how you can waste an hour with your players ripping everything off the walls because they think you being unclear is a signifier of something. Like you have to be more clear than ambiguous over all because they are playing a game and unless they are checked out will drill down into it. Maybe you don’t mind them wasting an hour investigating a pointless room or doing everything they can on an object because you were vague about it but it’s not rewarding for players. Like being vague about a rock is going to have any player take it with them compared to saying “it’s just a rock.” Maybe you can take those moments and make memories from improv’ing with them but itll get exhausting for both sides after awhile.