Maybe some “no true Scotsman” bullshit but it was an honest response.
Maybe some “no true Scotsman” bullshit but it was an honest response.
This feels like some right wing bs.
Obligatory John Brown reference
Here’s an honest response.
Grew up in South Florida. Shit was pretty liberal back then. Moved to a much more “conservative” state and found the same brain drain happening. At first it was fairly liberal, but has become less so.
Maybe we deserve it. Maybe we don’t.
The one thing I know is not to rely on your fellow human to do what is right.
The only answer for a bad ungulate with brass knuckles is … Alright, I got nothing here
:: eye twitches in Bostonian::
I saw it on the front page earlier today. The entire comment section had the same gif of a witch from the movie going into a door on the floor.
Seriously, boost is less than beginner friendly. Took me some figuring out a few weeks ago
Pushing daisies was a hard pill to swallow. Such a great quirky show.
I don’t know about the hormones part, but it is a well documented discrepancy between the perceived level of discomfort between men and women when sick.
Literally seen a news report on this and once parent of a child that died said it was all good cause at least his kid wasn’t autistic. These people are straight evil.
You the same space cowboy of YouTube video game help videos?
Seriously, just seeing all the rural Town halls that overwhelmingly voted against their own interests, chanting things that run directly counter to their own votes.
Seriously, this is the find out stage that rural America has been asking for for years, and surprisingly avoided so far.
Jack made HBO into Max. Lost all that recognition and fan support for what? Like I’m convinced more and more each day that rich people are just plain stupid.
Seems like a hoot!
This is a real argument. They saw bad things happen under communism. This is a different flock, but the same bird.
I feel bad for the community.
Man this hits hard. They really are pulling up the ladder behind them.
Don’t worry, the ones that voted for him were one of the good ones.