I hate Nazis

I hate Islamists

I hate Anti-Democratic People in general

I hate anime haters (like seriously why even)

I hate Antisemitism

I hate neo Leftists

I hate Terrorists

I hate dog shit on my sidewalk

I hate big Cars without necessity

I hate people that tolerate any of the above

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • No. You people aren’t criticizing anyone, you repeat propaganda. Criticism would be to say Israel isn’t sufficiently supplying the civilians with food and water, wich it isn’t. Or that they don’t get the civilians out of Gaza (wich is technically possible but would probably result in way more casualtys because hamas attacks fleeing civilians) or that Israel should do XY for the civilians when possible, that is criticism. Just speaking about numbers of deaths, calling genocide and wanting Israel to stop fighting is not just dumb, its also not criticism, its propaganda.

    I do agree that Israel isn’t doing enough to protect the civilians, but calling that genocide is just mind-blowingly stupid and borderline terrorism support.

  • You gotta need to source that claims, and by source i don’t want to see you taking the numbers of the hamas propaganda ministry or their Gaza health ministry, and i also don’t want to see any sources just repeating those numbers.

    Is the IDF acceptable as a source? The IDF claimed 10-12,000 ‘fighters’ killed and a ~50% civilian casualty ratio - meaning by their own estimates, back in February, they’d killed 20-24,000 Gazans - or about 1-in-100 of the prewar Gazan population.

    Straight up Forgot that Gaza has just about 1 million people… Sorry for that, yeah its right.

    But you putting Fighters as in Terrorists in quotes tells a story of its own.

    You are also kinda silent about the fact that Israel is literally self defending in a war not started by them.

    I don’t give a fuck who started it. Genocide still isn’t an acceptable response.

    I agree, there is however no genocide committed by Israel.

    There’s a reason why support for Israel started high after Oct 7 and plummeted in the following months.

    Thats not true, the “support” was very low from the start and then hamas started their very efficient propaganda campaign with the help of aljazeera, UN and “NGOs” like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International wich is still ongoing. You people play into the hands of Terrorists and i think you do it knowingly, maybe because its popular right now, maybe because you hate jews, maybe because you hate Israel or maybe because you don’t understand whats going on in reality.

    And it’s not because everyone decided antisemitism was going to be the next hot thing.

    It never actually stopped being a big thing and many people fell for the propaganda the terrorists made. Antisemitism just started to be more obvious. There are enough people spraying shit like “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” a antisemitic therm on synagogues or shit like “stop the genocide” or many other things, this is antisemitism, it was there before, the antisemitic people just feel like its socially accepted now.

    Wich it absolutely shouldn’t be, you people however help to promote this mindset, i don’t think you personally do that on purpose however, i think you actually believe that there is a “genocide” and you think you do the right thing, i tell you, you are not doing good.

  • And Israel isn’t doing genocide, they are just a little too reckless,

    Literal genocidal rhetoric from Israel’s ruling government as they kill 1 out of every 100 Gazans alive before the start of the war.

    You gotta need to source that claims, and by source i don’t want to see you taking the numbers of the hamas propaganda ministry or their Gaza health ministry, and i also don’t want to see any sources just repeating those numbers.

    Pretty sure they passed ‘reckless’ a while ago.

    nobody is giving a F about turkey turning Syria and the region Kurdistan into wastelands because they want to eradicate the people there.

    This may come as a shock, but discussions of Turkish attempts at genocide and ethnic cleansing of Kurds are actually quite a big deal amongst people who follow international politics.

    Haven’t seen protests regarding that… There is a difference between a discussion once in a while and the propaganda war against Israel happening, “free Palestina” protests the on day of and days after those people did a actual genocide…

    You are also kinda silent about the fact that Israel is literally self defending in a war not started by them.

  • Hamas isnt even a ethnicity or culture, its just Terrorists that literally stated their goal as eradication of all jews, not even “just” Israel. (also people tend to forget that they declared war as the government of Gaza on 7th October during their actual genocide)

    And Israel isn’t doing genocide, they are just a little too reckless, but there is nothing you can do about that especially because hamas uses human shields and fights from living areas, schools and hospitals.

    Describing Israels defensive war as genocide is the very definition of antisemitism. Ukraine also hits inside Russia and definitely kills Russian civilians in the process, nobody seems to get a F about that, nobody is giving a F about turkey turning Syria and the region Kurdistan into wastelands because they want to eradicate the people there. Its just important to people when the jews are involved…