• 36 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024

  • Conservatives are the good cops to the fascists’ bad cops.

    “You know people with age usually grow out of liberalism. Oh, you’re soon to be 33? Great age to convert to Christianity, I’m giving you my pastor’s phone number!” vs “I’m going to throw you out of a helicopter you godless communist heathen!”

    “Just work harder, then maybe you get a promotion or something, so you won’t be living under poverty line, otherwise those who suffer more will enter God’s kingdom.” vs “Oh, you’re just like [currently hated minority] for not wanting to work you communist, welfare queen, leech!”

    “What if you regret your lifestyle choices? What if at 35 you realize you wanted a lot of children, and so you instead want a heterosexual relationship? What if you influence a young child to do so? I’m not hating you, I’m just concerned about your and others’ mental well being.” vs “Die $!@” proceeds to beat you up

  • Basically it is going the following way:

    • Company gets AI to do stuff.
    • Company fires its workforce.
    • AI isn’t up to the task, and often disliked by people, see its unpopularity in the arts.
    • Company has to rehire staff, first to try to salvage the AI’s output, then to just go back to the good old days of human creativity.

    AI isn’t magic, no matter how much techbros try to humanize the technology because NeuRAl nEtWOrKs.