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  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Exactly, I posted this article in a comment above:

    Guardian, 2008: Fatigue and racism threaten to knock Obama bandwagon off the road

    Barack Obama was showing signs of campaign fatigue. Sitting on a picnic bench in a park on Pagoda Street, Indianapolis, in discussion with a group of 30 supporters, he told a story about the “modest” background of himself and his wife, Michelle. And 10 minutes later, seemingly having forgotten, he told them it all again.

    It is hardly surprising, given that he has been on the road almost non-stop since Christmas, battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, he has often seemed absent-minded, forgetting the names of the towns he is in.

    Tiredness is the least of Obama’s problems. After a relatively smooth and well-planned march towards the Oval Office, his campaign is facing its greatest crisis. “He is in the middle of a shit storm,” one of the journalists travelling with him said.

    Obama handled his 2 terms fine after that. He was as beat down by the campaign as Biden and he was almost 40 years younger!

  • Thank you! It drives me nuts that this isn’t the key takeaway in every post and article I see. On one hand we an amped up old man who would sell out his family for a dollar, let alone the rest of us who is friends with dictators and thinks they’re really sharp people with good ideas, and is also a convicted felon who surrounds himself with other current or future convicted felons, and has been saying for years he wants to imprison or hurt his critics. On the other hand, we have a barely older, regular old man who at least has good intentions, hires competent people, and who makes mistakes but admits to them and learns from it, who happens to be very stereotypically old man. How people are making this an apples to apples comparison is insane.

    This behavior with Joe didn’t start at the debate. It’s the same Joe we’ve had for years. And this isn’t new, even for people younger than Biden is.

    Guardian, 2008: Fatigue and racism threaten to knock Obama bandwagon off the road

    Barack Obama was showing signs of campaign fatigue. Sitting on a picnic bench in a park on Pagoda Street, Indianapolis, in discussion with a group of 30 supporters, he told a story about the “modest” background of himself and his wife, Michelle. And 10 minutes later, seemingly having forgotten, he told them it all again.

    It is hardly surprising, given that he has been on the road almost non-stop since Christmas, battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, he has often seemed absent-minded, forgetting the names of the towns he is in.

    Tiredness is the least of Obama’s problems. After a relatively smooth and well-planned march towards the Oval Office, his campaign is facing its greatest crisis. “He is in the middle of a shit storm,” one of the journalists travelling with him said.

  • Owl news is largely positive. There are some animals that can’t be saved of course, and it’s always sad coming across one that has been an education animal for decades finally passing, but most owl news is self-contained and won’t have an impact on near as many people. I’d much rather spend my time on that than people news.

    Us watching our news feels about the same as a mouse would feel watching owl news. 😬

  • That’s likely accurate, and I tend to forget my usage is probably different than the majority. Probably at least half my time is creating posts. Since my app got a good draft creation setup, I’m able to make posts ahead of time, so when owl news is slow, I already have a few things in reserve. After that is responding, and since my content is fact based, I’ll often have to do some research to reply properly. What Lemmy time I have left, I typically just hit Top 6 Hour and leave it at that, so that’s how my mind defaults to thinking about sharing content, which as you said, the majority is probably looking broader since their time isn’t including that post/reply time mine is.

    I feel I miss out a bit on enjoying Lemmy as a whole, but focusing on the post creation keeps me functioning as a content provider. I’m still posting just things I enjoy, which makes it not feel like work. Being an animal comm helps, as if you’re there, you like that animal in general, but I’m still finding what I think is best and sharing that as opposed to trying to cater to a more specific audience. I share pics I find I like in my various feeds, I put up interesting facts I read on my own from things I’d be reading even if Lemmy didn’t exist, and I like getting questions back, as it makes me learn about things I didnt think about on my own.

    I hardly ever get tired of posting this way, even though I’m essentially the only content provider for the comm, save the random person sharing a meme or comic.

  • It wasn’t drawn to be explicit, just as gags, but there was top and bottom nudity. Pants splitting, tops falling off, people landing in compromising positions, that kind of stuff. Any part where you would have seen anything was covered with a character face “sticker” instead of a censor type bar. There was nothing romantic or sexual story-wise, but it is stuff that would not normally be broadcast on tv.

    To me it’s just a comedy/gag manga. I mainly kept reading for the potato puns after a certain point. The characters are pretty one dimensional and there isn’t any character growth, but it’s alright for what it is. It was short enough to read all of it that I didn’t regret reading it. It was kind of nice seeing different body types represented, and they’re drawn to be suggestive, but at the same time, they were all mainly treated as bits, so to me, that cancels out a lot of what it could have been. There’s nothing I’d call real health tips, there’s no body positivity, and there’s nothing really suggestive enough you couldn’t find better elsewhere just as easily, so I’m not sure the overall point of it. But if you want a short series with likeable but dull unorthodox characters with some ok jokes, it does that, but if you went a few chapters and it didn’t grab you, you won’t be missing out IMO.

  • After taking a full week vacation where I posted whenever I got up at more random times instead of when I consistently leave for work, the post timing does not seem to be as critical as I thought it would be. I thought that was pretty interesting. I posted anywhere from 7 to 12 EST and overall likes and comments seemed the same to me.

    Otherwise, it still seems random what people will enjoy more. I’ve been making 2 posts at the same time, and I’m rather poor it feels as to predicting the one which will be more popular. Even stuff that is slower one day will do better another day. Psychology or marketing aren’t my thing, it would seem.

    People still like what I’m doing, and I feel people have been having a little more fun in the comments, so that’s what matters.

  • Thanks for sharing these. There has really been a bunch of good to come out of this administration. Much of it isn’t flashy stuff that gets talked about, but there is a lot that really should be important to a lot of people.

    I think Biden has exceeded most expectations many of us had for him. There are always going to be things presidents do that we won’t agree with. Obama was also pretty crappy with immigrants, drone strikes, and a number of other things, but it seems we’re able to look back at his terms as a net positive. If Biden didn’t have to clean up after Trump and Covid, I think he could have been a very memorable president.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m very pissed about Gaza and the border, but Gaza is a result of almost 100 years of bad policy of many parties, and the number of regular people still bitching about false immigration stories is pressuring all representatives to be harsh on that. We can only expect a president to do so much if a large swath of Congress and the people themselves are against something.

  • Absolutely with you on the horrible treatment of immigrants in general. It feels like we should give the Statue of Liberty back to France if it means nothing to us anymore. It is really vile, especially with so many acting like this is a Christian nation when they uphold none of the values, especially concerning how to treat those less fortunate. We became a great nation by accepting everyone and letting them have a chance to prosper, and I don’t feel that magically changed in my lifetime.

    My understanding is much of the Ukraine aid is not literal money, but rather donations of obsolete military supplies, like old planes and old ammo reserves, so it’s money that has been spent decades ago, and instead of scrapping it, we send it to them to do their semi-proxy war for us. I feel this is a much more honorable fight against Russia than the Red Scare things of yesteryear, but I’m not old enough to have first hand perspective on it. I know I don’t like what I do see of the Putin regime though.

    I’m middle class, white, and CIS, so no president affects me that much, but many of my friends aren’t in the same situation, plus I have empathy, so even if I can’t relate to people, I still want the maximum net benefit for them.

    Most of us probably aren’t old enough to have much experience with traditional limited presidential power, so it seems like the president should have more to do with laws and the economy, etc, but they really shouldn’t be involved in that stuff. The economy belongs to the Fed Reserve, because they’re supposed to be experts. Congress is supposed to make laws. With Congress rapidly swinging between who controls it or such tight voting margins, it’s no wonder we don’t see meaningful change. It makes it hard to go full no-compromise when that compromise is mandatory and sabatogey by nature. The polarization sucks, but it’s there until we fix that.

    I think Trump is a criminal that should be locked up, and while I’m not tickled pink by Biden, he’s done less bad things than anybody other president in my life I can think of, as sad as that is.

  • War with Russia and the Middle East has been going on in hot or cold form for 80 years thanks to dying imperial dreams of old men from back then. These conflicts are still going on from back then with people thinking you can just draw arbitrary borders on a map and call it a day. Ask the people that started these fires are dead to my knowledge. It’s just one of the biggest issues that’s been passed down in our lifetimes. Our equal contribution to the future will be the environment.

    I don’t agree with Russia on the Crimean situation, and there are global consequences to how this conflict plays out. I don’t think any first world country isn’t interested in how this turns out, and Russia’s allies aren’t really any better to me. I think we have a responsibility to protect Ukrainian soverenty, but we also can only do so much if we don’t wish to become active combatants.

    I don’t think a 5-10% difference is what we’d see between the 2 candidates on environmental issues. One is actively trying to sell off our country to fossil fuel interests and prefers concrete and steel to anything green or blue. Also the lack of any water conservation is going to be a bigger and bigger issue.

    When we talk other issues where there opinions are closer, a number of 5 to 10 point positives adds up when we’re looking across the board. Especially people more immediately affected by those issues. The poor, the LGBT, migrants, environmentalists, women, and non-Christians off the top of my head will all be much better off without Trump and company.

    I do agree about mass climate exodus. Not so much about the wars. Not in an active hot war way. Trump wants to befriend them, all but the Middle East anyway, and Biden and them Dems don’t come off hawkish to me.

    I’m not ready to pick the nihlism of an RFK vote yet. I get the desire a little bit. Presidential choices have sucked for a long time now. But I’m not ready to make things worse yet on purpose. We still have time to stop fascism before we’re in to deep and I’ll do that as long as I can.

  • Lemon does sound like it’d be a lot of sour in addition to the vinegar itself.

    I used powdered ginger and thought fresh grated would be the way to go. I also feel it’d be easier to strain it if the final drink.

    Overall I thought it was good though. I gave some to my girlfriend not telling her what it was and she thought it was some vile beer type thing that went bad. 😆

    I’d absolutely drink it again though. With some tweaks it’d be really good. I am solidly pro switchel.