I said that I do NOT believe that 90% of democrats are against their party’s genocide.
I said that I do NOT believe that 90% of democrats are against their party’s genocide.
I would argue now that there is a Jewish genocide there is no basis to treat the swastika as anything more than a religious symbol equivalent to the star of David, but older, because Aryan religions and non-Jewish Semite religions didn’t start in 586 BCE unlike Judaism
There’s no way the remaining, post-real left exile of 2020 DNC, entirely composed of MSNBC zombies and PR executives on DNC payroll at this point, 90% is against the genocide their party started.
Bright side I think the DNC has juuuuuust enough self-respect to not ordain Adams again Biden-style to cockblock Zorhan… they do not however have enough self-respect to not beg cancelled sexual predator Andrew Cuomo to let them ordain him Biden-style to cockblock Zorhan AND Scott Stringer, whose former girlfriend the DNC paid to falsely accuse him of raping her as a campaign volunteer last cycle to ordain Eric Adams, so they’re afraid he’ll take revenge if he wins.
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You neolibs have almost mastered the art of gaslighting as much as the Trump chuds. Congrats!
Didn’t beaconDB have a thing where their Go library was compromised for like a year, or am I thinking of another project? 😬
It’s a good thing .world doesn’t deny any major contemporary genocides or carry water for the party that started it… [rolls eyes so hard I die]
Force Zuck to commit suicide!!!
“So… wanna end the war non-Elon daddy?” “Nyet”
A party that wasn’t just a grift to enrich Jen O’Malley Dillon would HANG the other party for having a weird boner for private weather data that would make all our lives worse… Sadly we live in a duopoly system where one party now exists to enrich millionaire PR executives while the other remakes society unimpeded.
Probably, by design, the billionaires who went Trump got assurances that the scam continues unabated. But Trump is still rockin’ out with his cockin’ out in ways that make democrats’ use of lukewarm executive authority only after exhausting all other options blah blah look like the intentional act of doing nothing it always was
I look forward to President Harris claiming that you can’t do anything with the presidency in 2029 after 4 years of rule by executive fiat.
Canadian conservative supremacy seems like a false presumption at this point
Actually kiiind of brilliant… Obungler deported like 3 million people and nobody cared because Americans aren’t actually going hungry for want of $3/hour cabbage picking jobs, they’re going hungry for too few $3/hour cabbage pickers, so what people actually want is the feeling of mass deportations at normie Biden actual levels
StOp reposting this same meme
I’m glad that your faith in the party of the Cheneys brings you comfort in these dark times
I’m not going to debate religion with a zealot. Go worship your perfect party while they hand the GOP victory.
In which they threatened all viable opposition to keep them out of the primary, leading the sole entrant to be a quixotic ice cream millionaire who didn’t plan to run for reelection so he didn’t care about threats to end his political career from the party. You know, democracy.
More than a billion mostly brown people follow faiths where the swastika is a faith symbol. Way to be a racist for the benefit of a few million of the richest white people in the world who sit atop the West’s race hierarchy.