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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In my experience (Dutchie living near the German border) the car culture of Germany isn’t that big; it is mostly the industry. Yes, there are many cars and a few more people driving in big BMW than the Dutch average, but there are quite a few people on bikes too. Also, transit in Germany is quite decent, despite the governments efforts; and, contrary to the Netherlands, it is affordable. Meanwhile the UK cancelled part of their HSR system and the prime minister claims it is a “country of motorists”.

    Deutsche Bank I don’t know about, so you may still be right.

  • If you have objectively proven that atheists are wrong, that means that you must have proven that God exists right? I do not think that is possible without God showing himself, and not just to you, but to others too. If these atheists have not seen God, you have in fact, not proven that they are objectively wrong.

    Also, there are many arguments that atheists use. For example, some atheists believe that the Bible can not be right because parts of it were written long after the events that they describe (for example gospels written maybe 50 years after Jesus’ death, meaning most if not all eyewitnesses have died).

    As a Christian myself, I do not believe you can objectively disprove atheism. And to claim not liking God is the only reason for their beliefs is ignorant, if not worse.

  • It is getting a lot better, but traditionally chess was a game for men only. Until the 2000s women were seen as inferior by most top players, like Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov (AKA Gary Chess, inventor of chess). Right now 95 percent of members of the Dutch chess federation is men. In my local chess club the average ratio men/women is provably like 90/10, with the difference between children being a lot less than adults.

    If you haven’t seen it, the series “The Queens Gambit” does a pretty good job portraying the difference between men and women at the top of chess: maybe one woman, hundreds of men.

    The gender gap is coming down, but it is still there.

    Also, pro chess players only sacrifice their queens, but not their kings. I do both

  • It is an album by the famous Frnch singer Jean-Jacques Goldman. Even though he is not known for anything chess related, he is Frnch. The Fr*nch are looked down upon in chess for some reason, so anything in chess related to this nation has been called “en passant.” This includes capturing a pawn that moved two squares, throwing a croissant on the board and starting a revolution turning all pieces into pawns.

  • Good luck! It seems to me like Eindhoven would be perfect for trams: a lot of major destinations, like the university, football station, ASML in Veldhoven and the airport. Add to this that the region will definitely grow a lot in the future and trams (or even a metro) should be a no brainer. The fact that the much smaller city of Enschede is actually going to look at trams potentially in the future, but Eindhoven doesn’t, is absolutely crazy. Hopefully they’ll change their minds.