It is a one click process if you use user friendly distros
If you like what I do, send me some Monero:
It is a one click process if you use user friendly distros
Lol police doesnt just use a hammer
Yes because it is one click
If I delete my drive, it is rubbish
It doesnt impact my performance much
Yes very possible
to Exec=konsole --new-tab
I did this, works without issues
Mein Senf dazu: man sollte nur “fruchtiges” Olivenöl kaufen, weil da die meisten gesunden Polyphenole drin sind. Je schärfer desto gesünder.
Bio erlaubt leider kein Anreichern mit Polyphenolen aus chemischer Extraktion. Dabei sammeln die sich wohl am meisten in Zellwänden und Außenhaut (Sonnenbestrahlung), und werden dann oft einfach weggeworfen.
Hier sind 2 Studien zu der Idee.
Ich hatte von mindestens 3 Gruppen gelesen, die an sowas forschen, arbeiten, entwickeln, whatever.
Das hier war einmal das einzige, das bei Öko-Test mit “gut” gewonnen hat. Von einem Freund aus Tunesien weiß ich, dass Tunesisches Öl oft als italienisches verkauft wird, und sogar Olivenöl mit Sonnenblumenöl gestreckt wird, um es billiger zu machen.
Bei der Fülle an geschmacklosen Olivenölen klingt das plausibel, aber k.a. ob sich die Öle nicht mit der Zeit trennen.
Dieses Öl von Bioland hatte ich schon mal, war einwandfrei und nicht extrem teuer. Bioland hat höhere Qualitätsstandards als EG-BIO oder DE-ÖKO, aber ohne Esotherik (meines Wissens nach).
Das hier ist das was ich momentan kaufe, werde wohl Demeter aber nicht mehr unterstützen.
I guess rethinking the browser metaphor could help.
Like who tells you that ads couldnt just be displayed on an invisible popup window? Or a second screen?
Those sites generally detect if you dont load certain content. So I guess cosmetic filtering (downloading but not displaying) could already help
Using this tool you can find out what x86_64 level you have!
I am on v4, so v2 is the minimum… even my 2012 Thinkpad is v3.
This is a pretty absurd proposal
Fuck AVM. They have a monopoly on routers with their ugly proprietary system. You cannot even buy modems for normal prices here
A former contributor to the project
Fromli is my favourite
True, Mate is there too.
Yes I know that they all have some plans. But it has literally been 7 years!
It is soo crazy that there are still Cinnamon, Budgie, XFCE, LXDE and basically LXQt with no Wayland support.
While KDE and GNOME have it literally for years.
Fedora has Wayland by default for GNOME since 25, which is 7 years ago!
Edit: I know that the others have plans, but they are not ready, after 7 years!
LXQt is in theory usable but still shipped with XOrg. Cinnamon too, mainly XOrg, the Wayland session has issues like wrong keyboard layout (tried it). XFCE? No idea.
Damn. My install is older, so I will probably get a second SSD and keep that one forever
I didnt log in with a microsoft account. I only gave my user password for my account.
TPM is nice and all, but Micro$ encrypts your data without consent or a password. Which is insane.
My backup windows install literall bitlock-ed itself
Yes but I am not that old and never saw it anywhere. So while it makes as much sense as hjkl it is not beginner friendly.
Nano is hella confusing too. Since when is ^
= Ctrl?
And why dont they tell you that Ctrl+S Ctrl+C Ctrl+X works?
Hm my desktop entry also doesnt work anymore, strange.
Open an issue for their app. It should be flatpakked and get normal desktop integration.
Lol ma boy
Good idea but obviously you should have looked what entries there were
diff --color=auto -qy ~/.local/share/applications /usr/share/applications
Would have been the command.
Good luck getting your entries back! (And no,
has no wastebin…)Normally only user customized ones go in there, maybe if you use hacky tools like appimage-manager or so they too.