Ya see, what you do is; put the baby meese along the border, but don’t tell people that their mamas are nearby. The rest writes itself. Most Americans have no idea how aggressive an animal with antlers the size of VW bugs can be.
Ya see, what you do is; put the baby meese along the border, but don’t tell people that their mamas are nearby. The rest writes itself. Most Americans have no idea how aggressive an animal with antlers the size of VW bugs can be.
I recently flashed grapheneos because I didn’t like the way Google does things. But, my work requires me to be able to send messages to iPhone users. Ever since, I’ve been having issues receiving their texts. I can send them individually; but for the group chats, I’m not getting any of them. I really hate the idea of going back to a stock ROM, but I needs to get paid. Does eos support the new changes?
Just look up mutually assured mass destruction and you’ll understand.
Idiocracy. Great movie, it shows the decline of society due to the lack of education and increased birthrates of those who could not care less about anything but corporations. In one scene they go to Costco and the greeter says, “Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
The person who replied to my original post thought the movie promoted eugenics. I guess to a point, but it is more of a warning than a glorification.
Does it though? To me, it shows the horrors that it leads to. It does promote the idea that even the most average person can have ideas that can improve living conditions if given the chance.
“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
Fuck soft language. Let’s go back to calling PTSD shell shock.
Seriously, Musk is fit… Fit for a short tour of the inside of a whicker basket.
“You love your family.”
Do you have a blog? I would subscribe and actively donate to your cause.
Knowing what I do about Zues, he’d probably turn himself into a female pig and let trump impregant him. Give birth to the bastard and then just fast track the abomination to hades.
Whoa, H2O2 isn’t nearly as bad as dihydrogenmonoxide. That stuff is not only deadly to plants, but causes a lot of deaths per year with people too. For your own health, stay away from dihydrogenmonoxide.
Don’t bring Waylon into this. That plane crash started a spiral only country music could fill. He always thought it should have been him.
How does the Foreign Legion fit into this? I honestly don’t know much about how they’re connected to France. But, what I do know about them is that they’re badasses.
The only one I watched was the one with Gene Simmons. The “goal” was to make I think like $5000 by running a hotdog stand. So Gene, a real businessman, sold one hotdog with his signature to a fan. At the end of the episode Trump fired him. Because of some bullshit reason. I think it was because Trump didn’t like that Gene was more popular than he was and knew how to do marketing.
Speaking of Poland, I sure hope Trump doesn’t decide that they have something he wants. The Fanta Menace might just invade. It seems to be par for the course when it comes to world wars.
Can it wait a few more months? I need a bit more PTO. Rent doesn’t pay itself.
Kafka couldn’t even think something like this up.
Thank you for making me feel old. That reference made me realize how much my back hurts. But, at least I didn’t throw my mom from a train.