• 77 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • on Hoxha-themed soyjaks,

    anti-psychiatry drama

    debates about whether or not the Shining Path was “giga-based” or “turbo-cringe”

    Is this the kind of nonsense people do on discord?

    Because I definitely haven’t seen any of the last one, any ultras who tried would get clowned on fast. Can’t recall having seen much of the first and I think we had one episode around the psychiatry thing a while but I think that was resolved reasonably eventually.

    My proposal is to set the minimum age for a Lemmygrad account at 16

    It should already be at least 13 to comply with certain laws regarding protection of children, I know we may have various issues that place us on authorities’ radars already and in potential legal hot water for promotion of communism but we shouldn’t risk getting got over a technical violation on something like that.

    That said there is zero way to enforce this. Kids lie about their age online all the time. Legally speaking all website admins are required to do is immediately ban and delete data of minors if they openly state that they are 12 or something.

    As to admins determining, unless someone is really acting like a pre-teen I don’t see any way for admins to know whether someone’s just being immature (and you have 20 year olds who act that way and conversely 16 year olds who roll their eyes at these clownish 20 year olds) or if they’re young and then you’re back to either demanding IDs (bad opsec, awful) or admins just banning people based on vibes of being too immature or young and that would risk encouraging a certain bad faith “kid-jacketing” let’s call it whereby people, wreckers, etc construct a narrative of someone being underage and press the admins on it creating drama when the admins do or do not act. Admins already have power to act to remove those from lemmygrad who are disruptive, an account here is much more a privilege than on world or .ml or even hexbear given the scrutiny and narrow purpose of a site for Marxists.

    A certain decorum and level of maturity is a good idea and I think we are a bit more serious than another similar instance but it should be driven by community sanction mainly, downvotes, and if needed eventually being called out by a mod or admin privately if it really crosses a line.

  • They were very foolish not to purge the military after the last time. At the very least they should have set up armed people’s militias or something to counter and check them if even a little if it wasn’t possible to purge the military.

    Fact is the US is going to continue trying to coup Bolivia forever, well as long as lithium has value to their plans which is going to be some time. That and the fact they buck the US to do things like try to join BRICS+ and yeah this is incredibly obvious and they really should have done more to secure ideological loyalty of the mid-level officers and troops.

    And sooner or later and this may be the time already, it may already be too late, they’re not going to care about keeping the mask on, they’ll just straight up tell their puppets to massacre anyone giving them serious resistance and then go around jailing, torturing, killing those from the old government as is the usual modus operandi.

  • It’s really unclear. They shot down 4/5, the 5th which had cluster munitions (themselves unacceptable to use on anything but large columns of armor and troops and even then the risk of unexploded ordinance from them makes their use if not a war crime at least borderline because they will be killing civilians after a conflict) veered off course according to Russia and blew up over a crowded beach.

    The problem here is why it veered off course. Of course Ukraine defenders would probably claim it was damaged and veered off because of that, on the other hand we know for a fact that if they can’t find anything else to hit the Ukrainians have admitted to steering munitions into civilians and maybe this was a case of them veering off the last one so it wouldn’t get shot down and deciding to hit civilians instead. We just don’t know. What we do know is if the US was intimately involved then they’re responsible. Further that the US/NATO supplied the weapons. Further that they’ve never stopped supplying weapons despite knowing for years they’re used in terrorist attacks on civilians.

  • This is just an extension of the crisis when I was in high school of boys sharing nude photos girls gave them with each other without consent. There’s been no real reckoning with the intersection of technology and our cruel, patriarchal, pornified culture. The girls who were victimized by that were no less ‘innocent’ than this girl, they weren’t tainted and deserving of it because their hormone-addled teen brains made a bad decision once or twice. It’s not a new problem. It’s just the same revenge-porn type thing but now with guys that never even got such photos starting it by spreading fakes. And honestly there needs to be a solution that isn’t hunt down and charge people one by one but stop it before it spreads far and wide.

    And total aside but I bet discords were heavily involved in the spread of this. I swear if you shut down discord tomorrow you’d cut grooming in half, you’d cut sharing of this stuff and other bad material by more than half. It’s just such a vile shit-hole platform that allows and entices the worst kind of scum.

  • Yes it’s true China has a lot of surveillance. That’s like saying China has cops or criminals. Well the west also has cops and surveillance. If your interlocutor is trying to use the existence of such a thing in China as evidence it’s bad and they don’t also at least think the west is equally bad then they’re a hypocrite. It ceases to be a point of any real relevance because it’s not a distinction, there’s no daylight between China and the west on this, if one wants to take the anarchist path and claim all states are this way and thus we must abolish the state that’s honest at least and somewhat consistent, what isn’t honest is using a trait common among western states not frequently associated with propaganda and a propagandized image of human rights violations, surveillance and using it to bash China as uniquely evil.

  • Could be part of some existing agreement. Maybe they’re duplicates of things on display and this way they can lend them to another country for viewing and hedge against the country falling apart and looting.

    Egypt would never attack the occupation of Palestine, the US wouldn’t let them and Sissi seems compliant. So the only other things I can think of would be either an expectation of a regional conflict with Hezbollah and Iran that gets very intense (with Egypt on the side of the US probably so on the receiving end) and/or their military and/or people rising up and a civil war or collapse situation emerging because they’re very upset about the genocide happening next door while their US puppet leader does nothing.

  • Yes, yes liberals are clueless about power and the nature of the state, violence etc. Little digression:


    What is added to the title here by having that phrase? The title without the phrase is just fine, more to the point in fact.

    Why exactly are we as Marxists using Christian phraseology in a Marxist space? Why are we perpetuating and elevating this particular western dogma?

    These people are nothing of the sort to us. Even ironically this rubs me the wrong way. I couldn’t care less if you want to post like this among non-political friends but I never would.

    I’m nobody’s brother or sister in this nonsense. That’s Cornel West talk, that’s snake-oil talk. That’s preacher talk.

    Instead of perpetuating this nonsense why not start our own phraseology. “My fellow prole” for instance for those who share class interests.

    Think an atheist who came from an abusive religious household likes seeing this kind of language and normalization? Likes seeing repeating of the kind of language abusers cloaked their verbal venom in? What about Muslims? Jews?

    You’re not secularizing the name Christ and phrases invoking it. You’re just injecting religious supremacy of the dominant religion into everyday phrasing, into everyday evaluations of relations between people.

    And it’s not something that insular Marxists on lemmy came up with, it’s not a secret hexbear code phrase, it’s used earnestly by Christians and somewhat less earnestly by liberals and others all over social media who saw the Christians using it and for some reason (perhaps even a plot by Christian propaganda groups to be honest) started doing so themselves.

    They’re happy to be dominant in the sphere of ideas. They crow among each other about the notion that even people of other religions cry “jesus” or something when they stub their toe and see it as validation that deep down everyone knows their god is king, their dogma is real but they’re just in denial to “sin”.