I can sniff you from afar

  • 30 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2022


  • Have you ever tried asking the average person if they’ve heard of bourgeoisie… chances are, they’d think you’re a Marxist or someone old-fashioned in their speech…

    Liberal and capitalist, in my personal opinion, are more exact descriptions of what we have, as an apologist and economic class… in the Anglophone world…


    “bourgeois”, to me, has a connotation of the precursor of the capitalist class, being little smol beans living in towns (burghs), during medieval times… literally as a ‘middle’ class

    They obviously don’t carry this title anymore, do they

  • Liberal, to me, is anyone who supports any part of pro-capitalist ideology and goals, whether it be

    1. settler-colonialism/right-libertarianism (America’s process to becoming such country)

    Also known originally, as propetarianism/classical-liberalism, a le John Locke and Adam Smith…

    1. neoliberalism/IMF structural adjustment of exploitative debt and cuts of social spending, privatization (post-cold war economic policy)

    2. pro-west regime-change NGOs, gulf-state-esque collaborators, and comprador nation-states (post-cold war foreign policy)

    Liberals change and flow, by their material conditions and situation… in fact, libs only occurred as a result of bourgeois (bourgeois now is a historical term to me) classes trying to justify themselves as a whole…

    Eg. One liberal in rev. France may support beheading monarchies, while a whig lib or Kerenskyist lib in the U.K or Russia may support the Royalty itself

  • Well, I’d rather ask why gamers have that far right pipeline

    To know why gamers are led to the far right, it’s probably cuz the most vocal of them are in places where the wealth has flowed to (hint: unequal exchange), thus having more money to invest in not only Internet but gaming consoles and devices

    This includes North America, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea… (Tis no wonder gaming blew up in 1990s, after the Cold war)

    Liberalism and fascism, the ideological defenses of capitalism, weren’t needed much anymore

    And thus their conditions for such growth in gaming are set…

    Anything that disturbs the status quo of those ideologies, could be viewed as an attack on all, including gamers…

    That’s my half brained explanation…

    (Ask me for anything else)

  • You can’t make the claim Assange/Wikileaks is a US asset just because their leaks didn’t lead to the collapse of the US or significant change.

    Did ye just handwave a bunch of evidence right here in the article?

    Again, notably absent were US soldiers, intelligence analysts, senatorial aides or anything of the sort. But somehow, Wikileaks easily found Chinese dissidents to help them (despite Chinese dissidents saying for years that speaking up against the Chinese government is very dangerous to their lives!)

    John Young, the founder of cryptome.org and a member of Wikileaks from the start, left the group in early 2007, calling it a “CIA conduit.” He has since rescinded that statement, but leaked more than 150 pages of emails sent between Wikileaks founders when he left.

    It is however concerning that in 2011, Assange told Reuters that “China is [Wikileaks’] real enemy” and that Wikileaks was looking at ways to circumvent their “censorship”,

  • Then what happened to those Chinese anti-gov’t leaders that made up the original Wikileaks? Did they just go to other NED-funded USAID-funded projects?

    Assange may have been a federal asset, but he face turned in 2010, plus, didn’t ye type in this:

    I am purposely not singling out Assange here, and that is because he is only one piece of Wikileaks. We will come back to him later but Wikileaks is certainly bigger than just Assange — or at least started out that way — and it is important to separate the two.