• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • There is going to be lots of contradictory news sources for the next few weeks. Once the dust settles we will get a fuller picture of what have gone on.

    That said you can find videos from Gaza and photos showing what appears to be white phosphorus being used.

    The guardian article I saw said that Israel denies using it, which isn’t so much the guardian saying it didn’t happen.

    Not that it matters but it’s a fact they used it in 2009 and so why wouldn’t they use it now? Again to be 100 we have to wait a little longer.

    Things we do know though is they bombed Gaza and turned of the power so the hospitals couldn’t even help and there are dead Palestinian children thanks to Israeli retaliation.

    Which is terrible, particularly since they condemned Hamas for killing Israeli children.

    All I want is that Israel to be called out on their horrific acts just the same as we do for any other group, without being called an anti-Semite. Just because they had one of the best worlds worst things happen to them in WWII doesn’t mean they’re above criticism and if anything you would think they of all people would not perpetuate the same level of hatred for a group of people.

  • It depends what you’re using it for as to whether you need to fact check stuff.

    I’m a software developer and if I can’t remember how to do an inner join in SQL then I can easier ask ChatGPT to do it for me and I will know if it is right or not as this is my field of expertise.

    If I’m asking it how to perform open heart surgery on my cat, then sure I’m probably going to want several second opinions as that is not my area of expertise.

    When using a calculator do you use two different calculators to check that the first one isn’t lying?

    Also, you made a massive assumption that the stuff OP was using it for was something that warranted fact checking.

    I can see why you would use it. Why would I want to search Google for inner joins sql when it is going to give me so many false links that don’t give me the info in need in a concise manner.

    Even time wasting searches have just been ruined. Example: Top Minecraft Java seeds 1.20. Will give me pages littered with ads or the awful page 1-10 that you must click through.

    Many websites are literally unusable at this point and I use ad blockers and things like consent-o-matic. But there are still pop up ads, sub to our newsletter, scam ads etc. so much so that I’ll just leave the site and forego learning the new thing I wanted to learn.

  • I am not defending the law, more pointing out the use of certain words have certain meanings, particularly for media companies to print them would be suicide if they said Bill Gates steals $30B. Whilst we may see that accurate, the current law doesn’t and thus they would be sued and give him more money.

    I believe nothing will ever change as the vast majority of people don’t care, are numb to it, or don’t have time to care.

    I don’t defend the law and in fact I’ll break the law as much as I can get away with.

    I’m apathetic to life really and honestly dying doesn’t seem so bad as this place is a hell hole. And I am lucky enough to work my dream job, have a decent employer (< 10 staff, boss (lead engineer, owner) and works harder than me), average quality of life etc and yet I just can’t go on. Everywhere you look it’s just horrific humans committing horrific acts.

    Then you have someone arguing about the semantics of words. Perhaps I’m too cynical now but I don’t see anything changing unless we have a mass revolt and well judging by how laws are changing over protests or how people view protesters I can hardly see a French style revolution happening.

  • I have another question. Why is there so little anti-Israel coverage in the MSM?

    They’re committing atrocities just as bad as Hamas, yet we are supposed to applaud them?

    Why when Hamas kill babies it’s Hamas’ fault, but when Israel kills babies that’s also Hamas’ fault.

    If you go by the logic that Hamas’ actions have given Israel no choice but to indiscriminately kill people. Then it could be said that Israel keeping Palestinians in an open air prisión gave Hamas no choice couldn’t we?

    I get that the situation is fucked, but I think we should have a little consistency. Like is it ok to kill babies or not? As if it is I know some right annoying babies that I wouldn’t mind you know…