• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Geschwärzt werden in der Regel Namen und Unterschriften, sofern sie nichts mit der eigentlichen Anfrage zu tun haben. Es geht den Bürger zum Beispiel was an, mit wem der Staat Verträge macht, aber nicht, welcher Ministeriumsmitarbeiter die Korrespondenz geführt hat oder wer der Ansprechpartner im jeweiligen Unternehmen war.

  • Das ist so der eine Punkt, der halbwegs sinnvoll (wenn auch super umständlich ist). Es gibt durchaus Tools, die PDFs zuverlässig schwärzen, statt nur einen schwarzen Balken drüber zu legen. Allerdings bergen die immer das Risiko, dass sie falsch bedient werden und egal wie gering das Risiko ist, geht man lieber den umständlicheren und dafür sicheren Weg, weil im Fall, dass doch was nicht korrekt geschwärzt wurde, halt direkt schützenswerte Daten veröffentlicht wurden.

  • dfyx@lemmy.helios42.detoich_iel@feddit.deIch🐮🗡️iel
    13 days ago

    Die Wirkung mag echt sein, das Gerät an sich nicht. Es gibt keine Belege, dass eiserne Jungfrauen im Mitterlalter existiert haben. Die ältesten Exemplare, die wir kennen, wurden im 19. Jahrhundert gebaut, um zu illustrieren, wie grausam und unzivilisiert das Mittelalter angeblich war.

  • The 99 bottles of beer song is (was?) a popular programming exercise to teach beginners about loops. Singing it in real life would be pretty annoying because you would essentially repeat the same two sentences for a couple of minutes. Apparently, the PHP developers were planning to order one beer each, sing the song and get on everyone’s nerves. The C++ dev stopped this by buying all the remaining beer at once.

    The choice of languages is probably OP’s own prejudice. These days I’d say PHP devs are on average older and more experienced than JS and Python devs, just because almost nobody learns PHP as their first language anymore.

  • I’d finally finish some of my personal projects.

    Over the last few years, I’ve had so many ideas for stuff, both video games and just basic useful software. This is where the curse of being a professional software engineer kicks in. I know that I’m experienced enough to actually make those things but after a full day of work, preparing dinner and getting the apartment in order, there is just not enough time and energy left to get my ass in front of an IDE again. I’d love to have the opportunity, even if just for a year or so to pause my day job and spend my energy on something that is actually mine and has emotional value for me.

    On top of that, I have a couple of hobbies that would benefit from having more time. Photography, HEMA (fencing with proper swords), board games, 3d printing and painting miniatures… one thing is for sure, I wouldn’t get bored any time soon.

  • My first OS was most likely DR DOS 3.41

    For my daily driver desktop PCs that was followed by

    • MS-DOS 5.0
    • Windows 3.11
    • Windows 98 SE
    • Windows XP
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 10

    On the linux side, I got started with Gentoo, experimented with several lightweight distributions for an old laptop and had a Mint VM for a few years. These days I run Ubuntu on a couple of servers and in WSL. Never got around to using it as my main desktop OS.

    For university I had (in order) an iBook G3, a MacBook and a MacBook Pro, so you can add most of macOS 10.x to that list.