Ah shit my cover is blown, never used Linux
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Ah shit my cover is blown, never used Linux
I am? Or am I missing a joke here? Wouldn’t be the first time
I have no skin in this game, but I have noticed you populate your own threads with comments that might as well fit in the body of your post.
Related? I don’t know, but this felt like a good time to tell you.
“we have no choice but to follow Reddits guidelines”
There’s another choice, but that would require you to look past reddit.
Except in this case, they used AI to help them make decisions. The lawsuit is still ongoing so I shouldn’t speak in definitive terms, but considering the circumstances and evidence I think it’s pretty clear than they have tried to automate some processes and didn’t audit them properly.
Company A raises prices because they are greedy bastards. Company B is then impressed with the sheer display of dominance by A and raises prices accordingly to “keep up”.
When there’s a dozen manufacturers, they won’t all do it. As I mentioned, this is price fixing and illegal in a lot of countries.
Secondly, what’s stopping someone from creating another company to undercut all of those greedy bastards to corner the market?
You know, at face value he’s absolutely right. We shouldn’t claim care that is unnecessary or maybe even harmful. But where we disagree is that I think that decision should be left to our medical professionals
Here’s a good breakdown: https://econreview.studentorg.berkeley.edu/unboxing-universal-basic-income/
As for my thoughts, yes there would be a noticeable impact at first, but UBI would help stabilise and strengthen the economy in the long term because purchasing power and demand will increase. If supply can keep up, prices won’t go up. Companies can’t just raise prices as that’s called price fixing. Antitrust laws should be there to prevent that, but your mileage may vary depending on your country. That means that if some companies decide to raise prices because of more purchasing power, some smart company is going to charge less to gain more market share. So we’re still doing capitalism, but there’s a social safety net.
Also, people will still go to work to find purpose. Except “work” in this case could mean the freedom and flexibility to contribute locally, or take higher risks like entrepreneurship or becoming an artist.
About half believe Trump should serve prison time for his felony conviction too. Same site: https://apnorc.org/projects/about-half-believe-trump-should-serve-prison-time-for-his-felony-conviction-in-the-hush-money-case/
So what conclusion can we really draw from this?
Fair enough
Is releasing multiplats out of the question when a stakeholder has 96%? Otherwise I fail to see what the connection is to my comment
Personally I don’t really care for their games, but I know they have a lot of fans.
Is it good or bad news though? Would they consider multiplatform games, which is better and healthier? Because that ain’t happening for sure now, anymore.
Jokes on you, she blows afterwards so my balls are nice and tight again
again, mature content != freedom to be abusive and toxic
You can get comn banned for telling someone to go fuck themselves yet the characters in the game can swear all they want.
While in-game characters might swear, it’s typically in scripted scenarios that aren’t directed at people, let alone real people. Trash talking teammates is a whole different can of “swearing”.
I’ve been comm banned for telling someone to kill themselves because they said they were gonna rape my daughter and after I reported them for it “this activity doesn’t go against our ToS” was the response.
Telling someone to kill themselves crosses a boundary. I mean, so did their comment, but you should have left it at the report instead of trying to go eye for eye. Usually they troll and bait you into saying things that you can get banned for.
If the game is rated m for mature then mature content should be allowed.
Maturity in ratings refers to the content of the game. A mature label isn’t a green light for abusive behaviour, but a warning about the content.
That being said, I do agree that bans can be misjudged / unfair when put into perspective.
I have a tablet with magnetic keyboard. It’s about 20% as heavy as my laptop, doesn’t make a noise when it’s trying to keep itself cool and allows me to shop online, read some news, or browse Lemmy just fine.
I’d argue that in order to (help) break this insane car culture, you need empirical data to prove it. This to counter the “it’s not really proven, there’s no evidence, just feelings” crowd.
Is this inspired by Penguinone?