• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • I agree on hiking needing something else. I am also being mindful about calories in.

    In the past I have tried fasting, going to the gym, etc, but nothing really worked. The best was when I had an eliptical and I was able to use it for 45 mins most days. I was able to get down to 237, but then I eased off. The thing I like about hiking is that you can’t really quit halfway through. It is over when you get back to the starting point.

    Anyway, we’ll see if I can keep it up, but I post here to get some accountability.

  • And people didn’t think Trump had a shot back in 2016.

    I live in a town that’s split down the middle politically and I still see people flying Trump flags even after all the bs he has done. We even had a council member denounce pride month back in June at a council meeting. They think they are fighting the good fight.

    Anyway, my point is that there are people who will see what Greta is doing, even if it benefits them, and still fight it because they think their side has their back.

  • Something that intrigued me was how Martin Luther King managed to do so much through nonviolent protest. Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat and the bus boycotts made people realize how absurd and unfair Jim Crow laws were.

    He even participated in a sit in at a department store and was arrested for it. People were getting arrested in such numbers for such simple things it made people think about what King and his followers were trying to do.

    I have no doubts that Ms. Thunberg has good intentions, but her protests are simply ineffective. In this case, “blockading” an oil port just frustrates people for delaying a crucial product.