Ah fuck yeah. Didn’t know this was a thing but I’m on board.
Ah fuck yeah. Didn’t know this was a thing but I’m on board.
Ten years ago I would’ve called you a conspiracy theorist. Now however, I am in agreement. We need a new party for the working class because both parties are a bunch of filthy traitors.
We did pay for it.
We’re still giving Elon $80 million a day.
Just a reminder than the dnc knew Bernie was a stronger option than Hillary but gave her the nomination instead. The dnc only cares about your money, not your opinion.
Don’t feel bad. I’m a man in the USA working in a corporate office. When my son was born I took my time off and it was fantastic for bonding with my son and helping my wife out. Honestly IDK how so many women do it alone.
I’d feel worse about making my wife work extra hard than my colleagues… That said, the person covering my area screwed everything up so badly I decided it was better to find a new job vs fix it. So I took my three months, worked a week and put in my notice and got paid out for another two months of accrued leave.
The Dems have been letting Republicans do this shit because it worked to get them elected for years. “Oh look they did something bad, you have to elect me to fix this!” But they don’t fix shit anyways. If they don’t shut down the government, we need a new liberal party.
The market demands results, all hail capitalism. It’s only burned the house down twice.
You are giving them too much credit, they didn’t study history. Conservatives fear them because their world is so small and the unknown scares them. They’re terrified because they’ve never been abroad, they live their whole ass lives knowing the same people they grew up with, driving the same roads, working the same shit job.
They don’t understand everyone is just a person.
Shit I was studying German.
Hi, today’s post is sponsored by draft kings! If you sign up today and put $10 in your account they’ll give you $100!
Man fuck any influencer who pushes gambling.
Channel five is fucking wild. I love it.
Bald and bankrupt did a video that is much more in depth on the trail the illegal immigrants use. Anybody who’s willing to go through that hell to get to the States isn’t someone in worried about paying welfare for, those people got fucking gumption.
You can copy and paste values to another workbook and sort but it’ll kill almost all the useful information. We’ve got these massive docs that reference numerous tabs and populate parent+children lines. It’s an absolute mess and takes 6 months of training, I look at it as job security lol
A burning man camp is a pre/post burning man meetup where you can get a feel for new people to the group and make plans. Generally easier to pile 6 people into one car rather than try to get 6 cars into the desert.
My dude owned a suburban that he only used for taking his people to burning man.
Lol my company has a “no sort” policy. Many key docs just self destruct if you sort.
You’re misunderstand the frustration. We’ve been seeing Republicans bending the rules and stacking the deck for decades and have been shouting at the top of our lungs that they’re not playing fair. The Democrats didn’t just fail in 2024, they’ve been fucking up since Reagan, and all of us that have been warning this was happening feel like we were betrayed. From where I’m sitting it feels like the Democrats don’t really have any ideals past getting elected. The correct response to Trump 1.0 was throwing the criminal in jail and issuing hundreds of executive orders (a la Trump’s throw out so much shit they can never clean the mess doctrine) to cripple voter suppression and ensuring another quasi dictator didn’t end up in office.
We needed radical leadership and we got the status quo, and frankly if speaks volumes about how disconnected liberal leadership is from their base.
Guessing it’s about Muhammad Khalil, detained by ice even thought he’s a permanent resident.
Exactly, these clowns hired the same types of people who barely pull off wins despite being the majority party. They’re really good at collecting money and paying themselves, but really shit at winning.
The right has been stacking the deck, blatantly, for thirty fucking years. I’m a big fan of awarding electrical college points based on congressional districts. All of a sudden those cities in deeply red states get a voice.
Hopefully this will educate future generations to tax the everliving fuck out of the rich. American democracy has gotten worse as the tax rates fell.
They just don’t get it. The game has changed, people are used to high energy fast paced delivery from social media. A presidential candidate needs to be engaging and deliver a super condensed message that’s shareable. I don’t know anybody in my personal life that was excited Kamala was running and I’m from the bay area.
Granted Biden withdrawing so close to the election left them without much time to strategize, I don’t see them really playing it too differently. The legacy Dems are old and corrupt, they don’t understand that being cozy with corporations is gross and that we want fiery new blood. They’ll probably continue doing the same shit, playing the same old games until it’s too late.
Stabbing is so passe. I’m predicting the new rage will be small pov racing drones with incendiary devices strapped on.
Don’t need line of sight, cheap, can train in the comfort of your own home.