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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023

  • who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

    It’s hard to “dare greatly” when you need the votes from the downtrodden and also need campaign cash from the billionaires. In other words the Dems need something from the exploiters and from the exploited.

    If the Dems please their voters, they will upset the superrich and the wannabe superrich (the temporarily embarrassed millionaires), who are their biggest and most reliable donors. The superrich give and they expect something in return. Those corporate revolving doors will not revolve themselves. Upset your money base and you can’t buy commercials or get “free” TV coverage on the billionaire-owned media.

    So, upsetting the voting base is better for the Dems than upsetting the billionaires. If you disappoint your voters by falling short you can always say “the GOP stopped us, it’s not our fault, vote harder next time. Oh, and the GOP is even worse than us Dems, so where are you going to go, little ones?”

    That’s the Dem strategy ever since the third way takeover.

    That’s why the Dems are trash. The Dems will absolutely get a reckoning sooner or later.

    The Dems cannot fail us, it is only us who can fail the Dems.

    The Dems are the cold and timid souls. That’s why the Dems always voter shame and never say “I failed.”

  • So the Democratic Party doesn’t actually favor democracy?

    Next you’ll tell me North Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, isn’t actually democratic either.

    The Dems coronated Biden while screaming at the top of their lungs how much they love democracy.

    Goddamn I am tired of being gaslit.

    Super tired of bullshit.

    Tired of lies. Just because Trump lies 10 times for every 7 words he speaks does not mean I want a party that claims to rep my interests for me to lie to me 4 times for every 7 words. Jesus fucking H Christ. “But we the Dems only raped you a little bit, and the GOP will rape you more.” Go fuck yourselves with that logic, Dem scum.

    We need a giant country-wide systemic reset and the Dem leadership is thinking what kind of crumb they can still throw at the plebs without upsetting their precious billionaire donors.

    The Dems slow-walked us to fascism while blaming the GOP. The Dems take zero personal responsibility.

    The Democratic Party cannot fail us, it can only be failed by us.

  • Right on.

    If I refuse to represent my own interests, why should I expect that a government or a society somewhere will represent my interests for me?

    But we are routinely asked to prioritize the interests of a party, a country, a religion, or some other entity/system above our personal interests. We get groupthink that way. And then we wonder why our Dems just throw us an occasional crumb, and nothing more. And the dirty truth is that most of us will ourselves only throw ourselves crumbs or even nothing at all. Selfishness is routinely derided and mocked.

    A healthy democracy absolutely requires unapologetically self-centered citizens going through a balancing process. A person that refuses to unapologetically rep their own interests has voluntarily surrendered their personal seat at the table, and then can’t rightly complain the party/government/boss is overlooking their interests.

    We each need to vigorously and unapologetically rep our personal interests first to have a shot at a real democracy.

    Selfless folks belong under a dictator.

  • Plenty of the sitting Dems in Congress are millionaires who think they will do well under fascism anyway.

    The Dems LARP as an anti-GOP force while secretly being OK with the GOP policies. It’s all theater for the plebs, to convince us the lesser evil is keeping a larger evil at bay. All lies.

    That’s why the Dems are so goddamn anemic. The Dems love the status quo too, they just want little tweaks here and there, nothing disruptive.

    Gavin Newsom (D) is why California does not have single payer healthcare today.

  • I don’t believe laziness exists at all.

    If I call you lazy for not doing something I just want to shame you into doing that something for free. I could have paid you to do it, or I could have done it myself, but instead I call you lazy and hope your sense of shame is enough to get you moving for me.

    There is no actual real laziness anywhere.

    There are people and their interests. People pursue their interests the best way they know how.

    There are no good, bad, lazy, hard-working people in reality.

  • When your neighbor waves a loaded gun in your face, do you whine about how no neighbors should be behaving like that? Is that effective? That’s basically begging for morality.

    Stop preaching morality to your foes. The servatives are too far gone. The billionaires are too far gone.

    No more hopium and copium.

    We need to wake up to what IS, as opposed to what we wish it were.

    If morality could solve any socioeconomic imbalance, billionaires would ban and outlaw morality.

    The fact that morality is always promoted and no one went to prison or was assassinated for promoting morality means one of two things: either a) morality doesn’t exist and can’t work even in principle, and instead we have a bullshit narrative to make people more timid and more self-doubting to make from them more manageable subjects, or b) real actual morality does exist, and when taught WOULD threaten the billionaires and other exploiters, and thus WOULD effectively produce societies centered on broad wellbeing, but we were never exposed to it in religion or in any university level class.

    If it’s b) then such morality isn’t based on begging and pleading with the unwilling and uninterested parties. And also if it’s b) then preaching such morality would be viewed as a threat to today’s trash status quo and a threat to the morbidly wealthy billionaires.