Languages I can speak: Hungarian, Lisp, Broken Engrish

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Imagine having a choice in an election.

    US vote rules were updated last time in 1965, here rules change before each election, usually 3-4 month prior.

    I was noticed recently that they stopped publishing 23:59 laws. You know laws which are published on the official website one minute before midnight, and they are valid from the next day. I dont know why they stopped, maybe they did this because it was during a state of emergency?

    Migration emergency is still ongoing since 2015, last time they extended until 2024 sept. We had covid emergency and inflation emergency as well. I think the “there is a war in a neighboring country” emergency is still ongoing. I don’t know because the “WAR” ads were replaced with “join the army” and “Orbán is PEACE” ads, I dont know if they are related to this

    Lol they have debates there, in television. We had debates, last time it was in 2006.

    I’m looking forward to the 2026 elections, its possible that something will change, lol

    Before the EU election each opposition party got 10 minutes to speak in the state television. This was an improvement from the 2022 election, they got only 5 minutes each that time. They cannot get any other screentime between elections.

    But because of my work I met with guys from Tanzania, and some were coming from some *stan, (maybe kyrgiz? I dont remember) so I know from them that it could be even worse

  • Thank you for notifying me about the end of the transcription, so I could stop reading at the perfect moment, and I didn’t got accidentally too much information. But for even more clarity I recommend an RFC 4716-like formatting, something like this:

    Image transcription: a pair of black fingerless gloves 
    with the Internet Archive logo on the backs.