I have no idea where it got Andraiod daydreams from but thought I’d make you a nice personal AI wallpaper 😇
On a serious note though before peeps rip me a new one for even suggesting AI images?
Muzei is still pretty cool to this day, Xiaomi theme thingy has some probably knocked off images that I’m currently using, and even just searching for something when I’m that bored enough to actually change my wallpaper.
Crazy to think in a couple of years RCS will be two decades old in the making
I remember getting all excited when googs tried to take it by the reins in 2016ish but the amount of people that still…
1 - simply hate it and only use SMS still (and turn off mobile data too like neanderthrals)
2 - hate it because RCS sometimes just does not work because they got a backlog of “texts” suddenly coming through, and turn it off
3 - use a third party app for messaging instead and have done with it
I really don’t see how it’s gonna compete with Apple being, Apple too :/