Yo, after I switched to Firefox, I realized its mobile app offers ad blocking add-ons for mobile. Holy shit was that a dealmaker for me. I actually want to browse the web on my phone again.
While I somewhat agree with the “adopt, don’t shop (or, in this case, make your own)” mindset, a parent who goes through such hardship to be able to give birth is more likely to do a better job at raising their child(ren). Plus, this could eventually make transwomen able to carry their own children – and yes, I know that’s a giant leap, but it just might become possible. I’m not one to prevent people who’ve already endured hardship to lose whatever hope they can have to fulfill their dreams. I can only decide reproduction is not for me and continue making attempts at saving the planet for future generations, no matter how little or useless they might seem.
Oli siis lähinnä vain ilmoitettu kadonneeksi ja siitä uutisoitu. Ei siis muuten mikään high profile case.
Hyvä, asiallinen artikkeli. Meni muutama temppelin tuotekin tilaukseen.
Toki! Pahoittelut, postasin linkin puhelimella ja saavuin kotiin hetki sitten. Tässä nyt jonkinlainen tiivistelmä: