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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve tried a few of them and they seem a mixed bag. Mostly talking from a WvW perspective here.

    Rev’s is stupid strong, like 53k on the dummy and going to get severely beaten by the nerf bat strong. The kit is a bit awkward though- the AoE of the 5 is really a bit too small to be usable in any situation where there’s lag, though, so blob fights are right out. It could be an OK replacement for M/A in a pure condi build, but I think you’ll still wind up mostly on SB anyway. For a cele build it will have trouble displacing either the range and area denial of SB or the mobility of GS.

    Ranger’s is a really fun, slippery kit with a lot of snares, and all the stealth is very silly with Relic of the Unseen Invasion (600 range AoE superspeed for 2s on stealth). Downside is that the damage just isn’t there for it to be a threat.

    Warrior’s is solid, great upgrade from rifle for a ranged kit. Still some issues with lag and it’s all projectiles so it ain’t it for blobs, but I could see it seeing some use in a roaming kit. Tough to give up the sustain of staff or the mobility of GS, though.

    Necro is really just sword with a different coat of paint and more to manage. I like the idea of it as a ganking / engage-and-burst option, but I’ve had the 2 dodged enough times now to be grouchy about having that much of the damage bound up in a single ability. I could see it being useful to land the 4, precast either the 5 or CttB, then port on and swap to shroud to finish the burst.

  • There’s no reason this has to be binary. You don’t have to choose between her being a makeovers and mimosas pal and being an enemy or a stranger. There’s a lot of space between those poles, and there’s no reason that you have to choose a static point on that continuum and stick with it forever.

    Right now, you’re hurting and reestablishing boundaries and your sense of self. If she’s the friend she says she wants to be, she will respect that and give you space. After you’ve had some time to heal, maybe you can be more friendly, but for now she should accept your need to insulate a bit.

    For me, the primary, immediate goals would be to a) heal and b) avoid making things worse for the kids.

  • Most of us on the left here would like nothing better than to be rid of most red states. On the whole, they take more federal tax dollars to prop up than they contribute, and their backwards ass attitudes hold the rest of the country back.


    1. Most progressive voters would rather not abandon all of the disempowered minority groups in those states to their fate.

    2. A “national divorce” as described by the space lasers lady would be incredibly messy and potentially devolve into a war and further violent and messy balkanization of the country.

    3. Finally, having an impoverished, highly inequitable theocracy for a neighbor sounds like a massive headache.

  • Most of it sounds fine, but doubling down on the indefensible behavior of the PPB without without a complete shake up is a hard pass for me.

    Edit: Also, expecting a revitalized downtown core when many of the people that funded it are still working remote is not realistic. I know Teargas Ted wants to push everyone back into their cubicles, but I’d really rather see more ambitious plans for pivoting to mixed use spaces to simultaneously bring population into the core and take the pressure off the housing crisis instead of trying to mandate a return to a nonsensical prior normal that most people don’t want.