mohamed jordi és el meu pastor, res em manca
thanks! I’ll follow them and start listening kayo dot also :D
I listened to bath only and it’s really good I’ll take a listen tomorrow to leaving your body map
interensting! listening the album right now
you can edit the image, delete the exif data and upload it again
it reminds me the capsule corp logo
si, em passa a també, per exemple
si, però només puc a aquesta instància … diguem que en segueixo algunes altres
he probat de sortir de la comunitat i tornar a unirme i segueix igual
bravo! gràcies!
there’s one at
handler: [email protected]
I knew them with coma ecliptic and it will be always my fav
nope as it’s not too hot to cycle in general, maybe during some hours at some specific days of summer but the overall year is completely nice
yeah, I’m telling you from barcelona and here there’s no snow and ice on the roads/trails I use to cycle it’s true but there’s much more equipment and tires to cycle on winter conditions, so you can adapt your bike to winter, than the 0 equipment and components to cycle on hot, summer, conditions
winter wins, always
the same way I use it without
tens raó i a més la descripció de la comunitat ho diu clarament
jo mateix segueixo fora programes de radio a la carta, els aniré posant a aquesta comunitat també però si que posaré que és un programa de ràdio enlloc d’un podcast
piah mater, devcord