ohh. lay in a supply of drinks and snacks first. 😆 & yw!
ohh. lay in a supply of drinks and snacks first. 😆 & yw!
the idaho4/idaho murders. it’s weirdly like a mystery novel playing out day by day. completely crazy, yet you keep turning the pages hoping to get to the answers. i don’t think they have the right suspect, but the whole case is so FUBAR… some days you try to take an overview, or one subset of ‘facts’ (for example, the ‘official’ ones) and to come to some logical deductions, and you just end up wondering if the crime even happened, if these people existed. which, presumably, allegedly, it did and they did, but… 🤷
i’m not sure if you’re asking more about writing or the sound. the different bands and guitarists probably have a lot of differences in gear and guitar settings used (not to mention production, on officially released records) that contribute to how they ultimately sound, beyond knowing the chords or notes. but in terms of writing, i’ll just offer up listen more often and learn to play more covers in the style you want to play and write in. that’s the only way i can think of getting a literal feel for something on the guitar. by literally playing it over and over. good luck. if you figure it out, come back and tell us how you did it.
get those FluentPet buttons (or similar, from whichever company) and find out! these days, you can literally find out what they’re saying.