that’s classicism. capitalism is something that is askew, awry, or crooked.
that’s classicism. capitalism is something that is askew, awry, or crooked.
the issue that caused societal collapse in the mouse utopia Behavioral Sink was overpopulation, not that they had their needs met comfortably lol
for a more accurate comparison look at Rat Park Experiment.
TL;DR: rats in solitary confined standard lab testing cages will consume lots of morphine laced water available as an alternative to normal water, rats in a spacious cage with other rats of both sexes and entertainment are not very interested in the morphine laced water. in fact they drank more of the laced water when naloxone, a drug that negates the effects of opioids, was added to it. the implication being that the rats were more interested in sweet water than morphine in good social conditions
who is the Nazi that was almost president instead of FDR?
i don’t type capital letters
because fuck capitalism :3
“System of a Down are paid actors”
- this person, probably
omg where it is from
straight to jail.
this is far too specific to be a hypothetical.
you sound like a Vietnam war vet recounting their tour.
thank you for your service!
I believe that it functions as sunblock!
now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople
Bad Ass. are towels a part of the dress code?
I think your first hell doesn’t sound too bad. unless you’re adding that something outside the spirit is keeping it locked in stasis artificially, incapable of making any progress, that just sounds like the core aspect of meditation.
I quite like meditation
interesting. do you cook it? how much do you eat on average?
what does that look like? what’s a normal day’s food look like for you?
no that’s probably because whey tastes absolutely awful so they try to cover up the flavor.
it’s usually a synthetic sweetener and I’ve found plant based protein powders are usually less guilty of it.
that’s the golden ratio. the Golden Rule is when people pee on each other as a kink