Lodash wants to know your location
Lodash wants to know your location
What you on about, brother? Isn’t this a place on the internet, here thanks to god’s favourite country ? Clearly everyone can relate to the quintessential USA-ian experience!
And what’s that about Eurocentrism, look at a map, Europe is dead center! Asia is to the east and Americas to the west… Relative to Europe!
Oh and here’s a massive /S, just in case…
Silver lining is that’s a great opportunity for development. Even more so, we’ve seen how things play out when such platforms are left unchecked, so we can try to avoid the downfalls of big tech.
Jeez contributors, don’t you sleep at all?
Syria, one of the largest contributors, is not exactly stable yet. Israel is making sure of that with their continued warmongering
They do use the same pass though, that’s why it’s so strange to me. Thanks for the help, this at least gives me a clue.
I’ll dig around and update the post for reference.
Right. Wouldn’t it make sense to unlock it along with my root drive when I log in though? There should be a way to do that
You don’t win by them just losing some money. Redistribution is the name of the game. Even if Tesla hits 0/share, you aren’t getting any more wealth just by virtue of that happening.
…Aside from basking in the downfall of a nazi of course, but those are priceless things.
Save the puppies act! If we don’t know what exactly you say while pounding your wife, how could we possibly hope to save your dear pup, which I promise you did not consent to a threesome?!
And eeevery body loves puppies, no one will object to that. In case you do, you’d be suspected in zoophilia by the way, so don’t do it!
The sarcasm here would be lost on so many people…
Reading this made me even happier I don’t have to live there
That’s how subscription services get you. Why buy DVDs when you can stream all day long on Netflix? Suddenly, DVDs are no longer for sale and streaming services take down content for one reason or another. Then you have no other legal alternative but to pay whatever they ask, be shown whatever they want and continue to own none of it.
Can you share that? Having a hard time finding it
I understand the logic of it, my point is that this is a trust/honesty based system which leaves you cornered. Here are some problems with it:
The fault in your assumption is 1. that this would discourage corporations from buying up; and 2. That you live in an equal and just society;
That’s not how this works. A better solution would be to tax more aggressively second+ homes and severely limit what corporations can invest into.
Why should a company be able to profit off of second hand housing? This isn’t a commodity, but it’s treated as such. Companies should be able to build new housing (for sale) and own housing only for the purposes of, say, housing their employees if they so wish. I simply see no benefits to allowing companies trade living spaces like stocks.
My example was about how people get together to make revolutions happen, not wether they were good/bad or what ended up happening after. I chose those examples because in both cases a revolt was long time coming but people couldn’t do it until they were organised
Look at history. You need a tipping point, but more importantly, you need organised masses and a vision/visionary to get behind.
That’s how Lenin got in power. It’s how the French decapitated their king. That’s why there was a rally at the White house when trump lost the previous election but nobody is doing anything against him now at the states while he dismantles the country.
I’d much prefer not having said grifters, thankyouverymuch
Thinking that individual European countries have local identities and states or others don’t is absolutely a lack of understanding and not a lack of context.
That’s not at all what I said. It’s in fact the opposite and because of that I said I can’t argue with most of your previous points.
On your latter point, I do lack some understanding on the native reservations, but as far as I know they’re still under the governance of the US to some extent. My assumption was they can at least participate in the ‘democracy’ which affects them immensely. It’s very sad that’s not the case…
The EU would do well to dispel the illusion we need constant growth and focus on actually solving real problems