anti-idpol action

I am working on fedi software that is hoping to allow Kodi, Plex and Popcorn Time get rid of IMDb/TMDB dependency. Dm me if you’re skilled in SvelteKit and/or Go, especially the Fiber framework, or machine learning with Rust and willing to contribute.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 10th, 2023


  • The party was meant to just be the organizer of the workers, not the ruler. The degeneration took off only after Lenin’s death and the 4th Congress of the Comintern, which was dominated by Troika. that’s why Mayakovsky was a devout Bolshevik until Stalinzation advanced and started scrapping several progressive conquests of October, leading to his suicide at the refusal to prop up the Stalinist degeneracy.

    Also Lenin was, for instance, not a big fan of the many experimental artistic movements that flourished after the Revolution, but did not suppress them, unlike Stalin.

    He also regretted banning other parties (but which was necessitated by every single one of them taking up arms against Sovnarkom) and before his death wanted to offer Trotsky a post of Commisar of Internal Affairs in a desperate bid to curtail the bureaucracy, but Trotsky, unfortunately, refused.

  • in Clojure it’s -> for inserting the piped argument at the head position in the args of whatever it’s passed to and ->> at the tail. It’s great for working with immutable data in series of approachable transformations and also what I believe to be a reason behind so many DSLs for generative programming were written in that language (besides REPL). Oh and don’t worry about excessive copying as that is generally well optimized.

    It can be super useful with what itself is a kind of a DSL for SQL more than an ORM, called HoneySQL, like

    (defn apply-filters [query filters]
    "applies WHERE clauses to a query"
      (reduce (fn [q [column value]]
                (helpers/where q [:= column value]))
    (defn build-dynamic-query [{:keys [table columns filters sort-by limit]}]
      (-> {}
          (helpers/select columns)
          (helpers/from table)
          (apply-filters filters)
          (helpers/order-by sort-by)
          (helpers/limit limit)
    ;; Result - a super readable function call that resembles a natural language 
      {:table :products 
       :columns [:id :name :price] 
       :filters {:category "electronics" :in-stock true}
       :sort-by [:price :desc]
       :limit 20})