• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2022


  • Preußisch Blau@lemmy.catodepression_now!@lemmy.worldLife's dumb.
    10 months ago

    I’m in a similar situation to you with my wife, dog, and cat. I just quit pharmacy school because I couldn’t take it anymore and now I don’t know what direction to go in. I totally get OP as well, I’ve had to be told many times by my wife and others that people do genuinely like life and that I just can’t understand that because I’m depressed, but meds sure ain’t helping. I can’t seem to get over the utilitarian algebra of how [good/pleasure]-[bad/pain]>0 could possibly be true, if you know what I mean. Which is funny because I’m not even a utilitarian, but for myself it somehow applies.

    Good luck getting that new job.

  • I concur. Furthermore I will note that 2.4 mg estradiol valerate IM is below the dose range for the indication of MtF transitioning, and the frequency should be every two weeks instead of weekly (though admittedly 4.8 mg per 2 weeks is almost there, and weekly vs biweekly dosing probably doesn’t matter all that much, but I trust the source). I’ve posted the dosing recommendations for you in the image below. It is from a source called Lexicomp, which is unfortunately paywalled (I have access via my uni). Lexicomp cites this article which is also unfortunately paywalled. I suppose you’ll just have to trust me, though I will add the necessary disclaimer that this is not medical advice and I accept no responsibility for your use of this medication, and the information provided is solely for the purpose of harm-reduction.

  • Greatcoats actually work well on a bike when it starts to get pretty cold (ca. -20°C), I have a thick wool one that is Russian navy surplus and I might look like I just biked off of a warship, but it keeps me warm yet also breathes if I get too warm. Also, it’s long but splits down the middle nicely when I straddle my bike.

    I haven’t biked in much colder than that, though in the winter it easily gets to -30 to -40 here. I kinda want to try but it’s quite intimidating both in terms of keeping all my extremeties as well as all the ice.

  • Firstly, there is no need to warn me and be all condescending. Secondly, there are many reasons I like the name; military history is indeed one of them, but that does not mean I worship the historical nation of Prussia – I am not a monarchist. Thirdly, I do not live in the US and couldn’t care less about people who think American politics are global politics. Fourth, I do not need to constantly do a song and dance online to be a leftist. Fifth, kek comes to English from Korean via WoW and rightoids do not have a monopoly on language.

    “If you want to educate yourself and really are German as you claim you can visit our museum to learn more.” What museum? What do I need to be educated on?

  • I really don’t understand how people have gone this long without realising that Linus and the company lost any morals they had (if any) a long time ago for the sake of profit. In my opinion Linus is just another greedy capitalist who treats his employees like shit and only cares about profit.

    I would’ve expected more people to have at least noticed that the videos are pretty low-quality in terms of actual substance when you look past the professional coat of paint, and it’s been that way for a loooong time.

  • Their post about our defederation is absolutely unhinged, I must say – top keks if you can handle reading it. Seriously, though, I am quite shocked at the amount of vitriol on their instance; being a leftist myself, I don’t really understand the point of being mean to everyone that they would presumably want to help via their politics.

    “Oh, you live in a Western country and are subject to late-stage capitalist horrors? Let me save you – wait, you don’t agree with me? Then go screw yourself, good luck in the revolution.”

    Certainly education would be the solution, overcome the Stockholm syndrome?

    Oh well, good riddance.