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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • They can’t give you any examples and neither can the dorkuses downvoting you. Biden has accomplished a lot with the maggats playing the “I don’t wanna” game whenever a dem is in office. He not only had to dig us out of the hole the orange menace left us in, he also has to cure cancer, be the first human to step on Mars, etc and even then people will find something to bitch about.

    With any luck (and a lot of hard work) we will have Biden for a second term and then a dem to replace him in 2028 so at least 12 years of the adults running things. Then maybe we can get some shit done and stop trying to tread water at best.

  • I’m not assuming anything. I’m going on the presumption that they will do what they will do and that politicians are going to be similar regardless of country or tax laws, etc.

    It’s also clear that as I said, you have no idea how these companies operate. They will find a way to fuck the workers over as much as possible.

    As I said and you clearly missed. I’m a so called gig worker except I’m making an actual job out of it. I refuse to do the food deliveries because I can’t see how they make any money after the time and mileage invested. I drive uber, empower and I am building my own service. I’ve also been self employed most of my working life and I know how these companies operate.

    If you can prove that Canada is somehow impervious to what they have done everywhere since these companies have existed, I’ll move asap. For example, if I’m not mistaken, California has similar laws on the books and I am fairly certain that uber and lyft include tips in the hourly min. They will probably do similar up your way unless your law makers are some how much smarter and tougher than ours and thought through the possible ways they could work this law.

    The above said. I’m done here. I’m tired of talking chess while you assume we were going to play chutes and ladders.

  • And if you look closer at the verbiage and the way they are known to operate, you are highly likely to be “on the clock” for 50 but only paid for 40. Then deduct standard taxes from that and you end up with way less than if you had been smart about things and they paid fairly per mile, etc.

    Considering how clueless the lawmakers are here in the states about this stuff (despite best of intentions), I wouldn’t expect this arrangement to be any better than being free to cherry pick the best offers, best times to work, etc. The beauty of being IC is being able to say fuck that, not doing that one. What I fear about this is that the gig workers will have to accept bullshit offers to keep their metrics in the right zone so they don’t get “fired”.