• 207 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023

  • Dude would have been a great president, and having him at the helm instead of Bush would have drastically change global politics to this very day.

    People keep saying that and they keep being wrong.

    There was no daylight between Bush and Gore on foreign policy, and very little daylight between Bush and Gore on domestic policy.

    A hypothetical Gore administration would have invaded Afghanistan. It would have invaded Iraq. It would have implemented the Patriot Act and instituted the policy of destabilizing Muslim countries to honeypot terrorist groups into civil war (the so-called “Bush Doctrine”), all the vicious realpolitik warmongering that Kissenger taught Clinton and Bush and Obama to do so well.

    Understand: we have lived under the Kissinger Administration from 1972 to the present day. Anybody who thinks a different President would have made a difference in global politics is fooling themselves.

  • But it could be hard to ever pinpoint exactly, which animals do.

    So that’s why we should err on the side of caution, assume that animals who act like they have emotions actually have emotions, and give them the respect and rights they deserve as fellow thinking feeling beings?

    Oh wait, no, let’s torture, kill, and eat them because we can’t “prove”, to whatever arbitrary “scientific” standard, they have the same intellectual and emotional capacities we do.

  • Sounds like an excuse.

    What I mean is: it sounds like his handlers kept making excuses and you kept accepting them because you wanted to believe them.

    I know, I’m frustrated too. I dismissed the Alex Jones Fox News crowd because they were known liars, they’d lied to us for decades, and this really did seem like standard conservative projection to deflect from their candidates’ obvious mental issues.

    Hate to admit it. But the conservatives were right and we were wrong.

  • Yes. Stealing. From the taxpayers that maintain that forest. From the public who owns the property.

    And from the indigenous people who originally lived there - these people are very clearly not Aboriginal Australians.

    I’ve heard Native American activists argue that white influencer style permaculture is inherently racist when performed on American soil, because it’s modeled on a romanticized ideal of white settler lifeways and has nothing to do with how permaculture was actually practiced in North America before the genocides. I’m not sure how I feel about that argument. But having a family of white Australian permaculturists literally stealing from public land to maintain their settler lifestyle… it’s a little too on the nose.

  • So here’s how laws criminalizing homelessness work and why they’re so fundamentally repulsive.

    You’re homeless. Let’s say you just got evicted and you’re broke so you’re sleeping in your car.

    A cop sees you being homeless in the wrong place. You get a ticket with a fine.

    You can’t pay the fine, because you have no money, because you’re homeless.

    The system sends out a notice for you to appear in court. Which you don’t get, because you have no mailing address, because you’re homeless.

    When you don’t show up for court, a warrant is put out for your arrest. Along with a bigger fine.

    You get arrested and thrown in jail.

    The prison charges you $50 a night.

    When you get out, you have to pay the prison fees. Which you can’t, because you’re homeless.

    Meanwhile, cops keep writing you tickets for being homeless. Which you can’t pay, because you’re homeless.

    And you keep getting arrested for not paying, and you keep going back to jail, for longer and longer periods, because now you have a criminal record.

    And by this time you probably have PTSD from the torture and other forms of abuse which are routine in American prisons Franklin, which doesn’t help you at all.

    And ultimately you go from “temporarily financially unstable” to permanently institutionalized in a for-profit prison. Your state government pays the prison $400 a night to house you, and a fraction of that is paid back to the politicians who passed the anti-homeless laws as campaign donations and legal “gratuities”, so everyone benefits except you and the taxpayers. And even if you had a legal route to fight back, the odds are you wouldn’t be physically or mentally capable of it at that point.

    And once the Supreme Court makes forced labor in prisons legal again, those for profit prisons will rent your labor out for agricultural work, and you’ll be even more profitable working the fields for the rest of your short, ugly life.

    And this is how the system is designed to work, because capitalism only works if people fear poverty enough to accept abusive working conditions, and the worse America becomes for the unhoused the more power capital gains over labor.

    Welcome to capitalist America. Please leave your unalienable human rights at the door.

  • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.nettosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netDumb fucks
    10 days ago

    How naive. True change doesn’t come from offending moderates - true change comes from making moderates comfortable, so they feel secure and confident that the change you won’t harm them. Any protest that makes people uncomfortable about society or their own actions is counterproductive and just makes things worse.

    Take Colin Kaepernick. Taking a knee during the national anthem before a football game was exactly the wrong way to protest racism, because it angered people who loved football and loved America, who should have been his natural allies. What Colin should have done was been even more patriotic and sung the anthem even louder, to express how much he loved America and how he wanted to see it become better. That would have inspired people who supported his cause, without offending people who disagreed with him, and there would have been no controversy.

    That’s the way white moderates want to see people protest. Being conformist and forgettable is how we make change.

    Am I still being too subtle?

  • Libraries have free books. That takes profit from Amazon.

    Libraries have free Internet. That takes profit from ISPs.

    Libraries have free research tools and expert guidance from librarians. That takes profit from all sorts of companies that profit off your ignorance.

    And worst of all, that stuff is all publicly funded, so when you look at a library you see government helping people. And there’s nothing conservatives hate more than government that helps people.