But who else will the BBC and droves of lost tourists fawn over
But who else will the BBC and droves of lost tourists fawn over
Harry Potter
What is this, a Steven King book?
Isn’t the Doctor going to get annoyed by the drunk teens pissing in his house on a Friday night, and the homeless people constantly invading his privacy?
That would explain the one year absence in 1973. And also the general funk of the users these days, post christmas
So I wore flatter shoes today and did see a mild improvement, gotta say
Goddamit I was hoping to submit a Pigsx7 track, but their last album was from 2023.
On an unrelated note, I just found out that Hawkwind have been releasing an album every year since the 70s.
No joke, chocolate has gotten expensive and more styrofoamey in taste as of late.
I no longer derive pleasure from eating it, I just enjoy the intense sugar high.
Recommend some good songs?
Will keep in mind, thanks
I’m pretty I’m the issue, since others use the car no problem
Ah. I’m supposed to back away from the brake once it starts to slow the car down. Good tip, thanks
That’s actually pretty helpful, thanks for this I’ll keep it in mind, and who knows maybe one day I can do a limousine stop
One time, one time?
I don’t know this mod but I do know that I have PugJesus blocked on my other accounts for some reason. I guess I’ll block him on this one too
Weird headline compared to the rest of the article
Oh you poor innocent creature, those are rookie amounts. If isn’t a quarter inch thick it’s not worth eating.
I know there was a point in 60s where their middle class was flourishing domestically, but internationally the US was the same as ever, no?
I mix it with butter and then snort it
Thank you, yes but that’s current.
My parents generation still harken back to a golden time when the US was leader in freedom of speech and social mobility. There is some merit to what they said back then, especially in terms of consumer interests being somewhat aligned with retailer interests back then, but I want to genuinely know if this even back then was more propoganda than reality.
Oh, fair game then. *unzips*