I’m a software engineer who makes games as a hobby. I love making tools for creatives, and I love incremental games. I’m the creator of Profectus. He/him

  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024

  • I don’t hate apple. Especially from a privacy record, they actually have a far superior history than essentially every other hardware manufacturer out there.

    I think they’re overpriced and I don’t agree with some of their design decisions, and in general feel like they could give the consumer more control over things, which is why I don’t personally have an iPhone or iPad etc., I use them at work and have nothing against them in general)

  • I agree with this take, and recently I actually read this article that criticizes how server centric fedi is as a whole. If it’s hard and expensive for a layperson to self host, but you need to have an account associated with a specific server, then you’re going to end up with a system where you’re under the whims of a instance owner still. Not to mention the whole pick a server step severely hurts our adoption rates.

    I like the idea of having an account just being a public and private key pair. Theoretically you could make one client side, use it to sign your messages, and servers could verify the signature and distribute your post without needing to have an explicit account for you. You could send every message to a random instance and it’d still work. You wouldn’t have to worry about links to the “wrong instance” and you wouldn’t have to attach your identity to a instance that might shut down or be bought by a bad person. The server would be essentially irrelevant.

  • I honestly think that philosophy is fine. Before the major social media sites all came about, the Internet was filled with much smaller communities that didn’t need to be profitable or scalable - they could be run by an individual as a hobby project. I think returning to that (possibly with the use of federation so these small communities still have a good amount of content) could keep things free, ad free, and privacy conscious

  • Good point, I guess we should just let the homes remain empty and the homeless on the streets?

    I get that having your home squatted in sucks, and if you were only out for a week long vacation and come back to a break in then you have my sympathy, but the message here is ultimately pointing out that houses have been commodified and turned into vehicles for investing by the rich, rather than a right like they should be. We have more empty homes than homeless people, and that simply isn’t just.

  • Funkwhale seems really interesting and I’d love to be able to listen to music without relying on a company’s servers and getting tracked, and not being locked into that corporation’s apps, but music specifically is just so hard to justify switching. I use YT music and it has access to soooo much music, and the recommendation algorithms are useful in letting me discover new music. There’s just now way I’d be able to transition from something with effectively access to all music in existence to something with none. I kinda wish there was some service that could discover all videos tagged as music on YT, add them to funkwhale without downloading them, and then allow them to be in search and radios and stuff and just download the song with youtube-dl or something the first time they’re requested. Ideally with some way to trim outros and such manually. I know even the first step of this (discovering “all videos” on YT) makes this completely infeasible though.

  • This comic reminds me of a classic argument used for leftist policies, unrelated to ayn rand though. Under capitalism, technological advancements are harmful to the working class because companies are likely to keep pay and hours the same, and just scale up production and/or lay off surplus labor force.

    Under a system where the workers own the means of production, those same advancements could go towards lowering the hours of the employees without lowering their pay, or if they decide to scale up production then it would mean more profit that the company could decide democratically what to do with, making it likely to result in pay increases for the workers. Point is it wouldn’t just go into the hands of the capitalist class, but rather stay under control of those who labored for it.

  • Yeah, I’d never vote for the Republican party but holy shit I’m going to pressure the DNC to give us a non geriatric candidate every moment I can. I will criticize the failures of the Democratic party so loudly and publicly because that’s the only (non violent) way to get them to change. We need a better candidate, a better party, and a better country. I’d encourage everyone to send a message by telling polls they’re uncommitted.