balancing seriousness and playfulness, exploration and diligence, being an individual and a network node

  • 12 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Ok, ngl–haven’t read the article itself. But this blog is extremely interesting. I used to have an intimate family connection to the world of physics through someone who was planning to throw their lot in with them for life (hence, I got to see up close several people attempting the same, and each of them had unique struggles and reservations and approaches). It is very meaningful to see someone coming out of the opposite side.

  • Thanks for your reply! I don’t think this community is big enough for many rules at all, let alone stringent quality control lol. I’m just happy for the company! That you linked page numbers is even better :) Harriet Crawford–I remember that name!

    To be clear: I’m not actually especially interested in Mesopotamia anymore. I’m more interested in the conditions that precipitated pastoralism in different places around the world and its social and ecological consequences. I’m vaguely aware of clan stuff, ofc the segmental faction stuff, I remember reading about something to the effect of how cattle almost guarantee a particular social arrangement involving bride prices. I’m curious about how people read pastoralism in the archaeological record and what we can say about its roots. And broad ethnographic insights: how pastoralism relates to sedentary domestication, what kind of habitus and biological changes does it induce in humans, animals, & the local environment (landscape & other animals & microbiology). I gotta read Ingold, I know…