Ironically, the number of inaccuracies and half truths this article contains makes me think it was written by AI.
Ironically, the number of inaccuracies and half truths this article contains makes me think it was written by AI.
We did! And now half the government is gone!
A word with that many syllables is likely to land you in jail.
You are mistaken - Trump isn’t Congress, he is King. And it isn’t a law, it’s more powerful - its a social media post.
Efficiency for thee, not for me.
Imagine how stupid and unimaginative you’d have to create your own approval rating and go with a number as low as 70%.
Aim higher Donny, aim higher.
The guy looked straight into the sun. There is no ending to "Trump doesn’t understand… " that would surprise me.
I’m proud that a man can overcome extravagant wealth and luxury, a low IQ, a criminal record, extreme narcissism to climb all the way to the top to become the worst leader in history.
Nothing brings a man to his knees and opens his mouth like a dick with power.
The problem is those of us not in digital forensics believe this BS. It fuels anti-law enforcement sentiment unjustly. Hate LE if you want, just make sure it’s based on truth, not shite like this.