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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • Ugh not me. I’ve been through the SLC temple and it’s one horrifyingly bland white cold interior throughout. If that’s what mormons see as their ‘destiny’ in the afterlife, I’m kinda glad I’ll be roasting in hell instead. To me that kind of austerity doesn’t smack of godliness, it smacks of sterility and coldhearted lifelessness.

  • Apparently he’s not just a good Christian, but a great one - he sucks AND swallows. A true Christian, a truly valuable person, is one who gives and enjoys physical sexual pleasure. Not someone who disdains human sexuality and disavows any human desires. It’s all just sex - no labels are needed, it doesn’t matter who is giving a blowjob to whom, as long as people are doing it and enjoying it. That’s the only thing that matters.

  • No. I didn’t much like Reddit but I have never had so many problems with a social media site as I have with Lemmy. Right now there’s 17 comments in my notifications page, but no way to access them because it just says “404 - page not found.” And there’s no way to view or erase them.

    Lemmy has tons of connectivity problems also. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d have to rate it minus 100. I’ve left Kbin and actually am no longer even using Lemmy but once in a grand while. I’m looking for other sites that will work better.

  • Hmm. Not sure how to feel because honestly, I feel this way also. I do love animals (ummm not in the physical way) and I believe all life is sacred. After all humans are animals also. But at the same time, I love the carnivorous side of being an omnivore - I couldn’t imagine not being able to eat steaks, ribs, chicken wings and other meat with bones and veins in it.

    But that doesn’t mean I think animals deserve to die - just that I have to live with the un-resovable contradiction of being both an animal lover and a meat lover. It is yummy and there’s nothing the first bite of a juicy steak or crispy chicken wing. Thank you for your sacrifice, clucky, bessie, and porky.

  • With the same reasoning it’s never logical to assume that things we can’t always identify or put a label on are strange or foreign or from other planets.

    The most logical, and most mentally healthy mind, would first try to explore the most plausible explanations and first assume there is no miraculous visitation involved.

    If a mountain springs up in the middle of the Pacific and a comic sans message pops up saying LDS is the true religion," I can guarantee it’s because the multi-billion dollar corporation called the LDS Church has put money into a new kind of marketing campaign.

    And if you’re stupid enough to give that corporation 10 percent of your income, maybe you’re too stupid to be trying to solve UFO mysteries in the first place.

  • I don’t think people think much about the actuality of what Darwin said or the truth of their own animalness and being part of the animal kingdom.

    It always irks me to see an anti-evolutionist pointing to or making fun of a picture of an ape because, to them, being compared to great animals is some sort of smutty filth. I hate to think what kind of brutality they enact on cats and dogs around them, or even kids.

    The idea that we’re part of the Animal kingdom, to me, is such a fascinating and great concept. I just do not get people who are insulted or “turned off” by that idea at all.

  • I appreciate that. I’ve had a lot of scorn heaped on my head for being a “Boomer,” as if it was sacriligious of me to pick being born in the 50s - surprisingly, I had very little say in it.

    And I personally don’t see that I did anything to make the world worse, beyond just living my life the way every one else did. Did I support oil and gas extraction? Well I drove a car - as a kid I never even thought about such things.

    Did I help pollute the earth? I came from a family of human consumers so I’m sure I did. I’m not saying we don’t deserve our share of blame.

    Yes I’m an older person but I worked hard and did my best in life, I don’t know more I could do. I never engaged in fighting or war with other people or hurt anyone, if I could help it.

    I have a spotless driving record, not even a citation. But no one says, “thank you for being a safe driver,” all i get are scornful comments like, “whaddya want, a metal?” “Who cares.”

    You can be a good and contributing tax payer your whole life, and someone who has always treated others with respect and acted carefully, and yet still be the target of total scorn and unreasonable hate just because of the generation you came from.