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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Disabled and out of work and don’t even want to touch trying to get PIP after being denied access to jobseekers for not working enough. Entire system is made to make you feel like you’re desperately going cap in hand for scraps which they can deny you for bullshit. I fear what it would do to my mental considering work made me suicidal because of how hard it was for me to keep up a facade of being “with it”.

    Plus access to work, applied for it at the start of my 1 year fixed term contract, took them 14 months to get back to me so I got nothing, they just closed my case.

  • Exchange values are based on socially necessary labour time, not just any individuals labour time spent on making a commodity. In other words, the social average expected time taken to make any given good is what informs its exchange value. This means that exchange value is inclusive of the average number of burnt cookies produced by an average chef/cookie machine.

    Machinery imparts no value into any single good because most machines can produce tens of thousands of commodities before requiring maintenance or replacing. The labour time spent making the machine is distributed evenly across the commodities it produces, so if it took 150 hours to make the machine, and the machine makes 50000 things before it breaks, each commodity has 150/50000 = 0.003 hours of labour time imparted as value into the object, I.e. it’s basically a rounding error.

  • The spectrum of autism isn’t mild to disabling.

    It’s a spectrum of presenting symptoms. What “functional autism” is, is a constellation of symptoms that means you can just about navigate the world as expected by neurotypical people. “Non-functioning” autism or “profound” autism are where the constellation of symptoms makes you unable to function in the world. This is more often than not inclusive of non-verbal autisms and poor motor control autisms.

    “Functional” autism can be disabling for the individual in certain conditions - they may be completely unable to read social cues, or be severely impacted by certain stimulatory environments.

  • The last time any of those things were won by the working class they had come home angry and fed up fighting a war, and were ready to demand at least some concessions from the ruling class. These concessions were granted because the capitalists were terrified that an even angrier working class that knew how to use weapons and fight in an army would lead to a 1917 Russian revolution situation.

    Until the same style of conditions exist I don’t think the working class are in any kind of place to just demand better from the capitalist class. Hopefully the next time we don’t just accept a bribe and let the next generation(s) eat shit while lapping it up.

  • Transportation is not, by Marx’s definition, work that belongs to circulation of commodities. And I would also say that logistics also falls into the same sphere as well. Both would constitute a part of the production process itself. As would, on social averages, the marketing departments that produce branding and the aesthetics of a commodity.

    The clearest examples of unproductive workers are those paid from capital: workers involved in realising surplus value, I.e. sales teams, shop clerks. And workers paid from revenues: directly hired servants (More likely in Marx’s time), and workers hired by the state for local and state administration, and others like them whose labour is paid out of taxes (i.e. surplus value collected by the state), but some of these are part of the ‘faux frais’ of production itself - like health and education workers, and can constitute productive labour as such.

    A good article breaking down the topic from across vol 1, 2 and 3 of capital plus the theories of surplus value:


    Also, and it’s touched on in the article, the incessant need to split this or that labour into productive and unproductive feels almost entirely unnecessary in regards to the organisation of the proletariat toward revolutionary ends. That any given member of the working class is employed in productive or unproductive labour doesn’t change the potential precarity of their position as a waged labourer subject to the whims of capital and its state.