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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Whether or not he could is largely irrelevant. Executive orders can be completely undone by the next administration. Plus I’d wager this is out of scope for an executive order. Executive orders generally have to do with operations issues with the federal government.

    He can issue an executive order to limit the number of immigrants can cross the US-Mexico border per day because that’s an operational issue for an agency within the executive branch. He can’t say, “Everyone can have access to IVF”. Essentially, he’d be saying that individual states can’t make illegal, IVF procedures. That’s a legislative policy issue, and would be up to congress to pass a law that would force the states to fall in line.

    That’s my understanding at least. I’m sure I’ve mucked something up in that explanation, but would wager that the overall gist of it is correct.


  • You do realize that’s exactly what Wegovy is, right? Ozempic was being prescribed off-label for weight loss so much, it was severely impacting supply for diabetics who needed it to manage their diabetes. They put the drug through a second round of FDA testing to get approval as a weight loss drug.

    And, as someone taking Wegovy for weight loss… it’s no shortcut. It absolutely makes it easier to control your appetite but the side effects are non-trivial. I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and I feel lucky I wasn’t heavier when I started, but before this I’ve been anywhere between 235 and 320 up and down for the last 15 years. This medication makes me feel, finally, like I’ve got a shot at losing the weight and getting it to a safe level.

    Now… if you’re talking about the people who want to take it for 2 months to lose some vanity weight before beach season… I absolutely agree.

  • Well, from what you’ve told me, you’ve got about as good a chance or better as any other couple I’ve seen. Your own strength to stay by his side through this says a lot about the person you are, AND the person he is. It says you’re the kind of person who willing to fight for the important things, and he’s the kind of person worth fighting for.

    I think a lot of folks don’t take the whole “in sickness and in health” part seriously. I genuinely try not to judge folks because you really never know everything that goes on inside a marriage that isn’t yours, but I have a hard time not judging when I hear of couples splitting amid physical or mental health issues. Like… that’s what the vows are for. That’s why making the commitment is important in the first place. Because shit will get hard and it will be harder for some than others. If there’s no commitment, there’s no marriage.

    But one thing is for sure… while we are definitely in a really good spot now, we’re not past it and we never will be. That’s why commitment is so important. One of the things I do is stick around and that’s probably the biggest piece of what I contribute to her progress. I fuck up for sure… and some of that makes her mental health trip up. One time, I forgot to fill one of her meds that has really bad withdrawal symptoms around Christmas (and she already really doesn’t like Christmas for a lot of reasons). It was when the face tingles started that I realized she had the med in nearly a week! But I ain’t going anywhere. Doesn’t sound like you are either.

  • Yeah, I’ll sometimes scroll through my comments for fun and came across our little conversation again, and thought I’d check in. I couldn’t be happier to read that there’s genuine progress!

    When we watch those we’ve chosen to share our lives with struggle, it’s an intense burden to bear. Especially when you often feel powerless to help. I’m a helper and a fixer. My wife struggles with a lot, and it’s been something for me to walk that journey with her. But I’ve also seen her grow and improve her mental (and physical) health and I can take pride in knowing that I was able to help in some small way. She might tell you I had more to do with it than I did, but she’s the one who put the work in. She’s also led me down my own path of mental health awareness and personal discovery. I say all that to say this… we can’t fix our partners, but we can be supportive and enabling towards them helping themselves. I loved your “ramble” because you speak your husband’s language and know how to enable that for him.

    It really fills me with joy to see steps in the right direction.